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How Much Does Laravel Cost?

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When you discuss top-tier website development software, Laravel is likely to receive many mentions. The multi-faceted PHP software is one of the most resourceful, dependable frameworks available. Not only is it easy to work with, but it bumps the quality of your customers’ user experience up a notch. But you can only get the best from these perks if you hire top-rated Laravel developers who’ve mastered the software.

At this point, you may begin to research things like, “what is a Laravel developer?”, and the pros and cons of Laravel. Knowing the financial implications of the software is also necessary, as it will help you figure out how to draft your budget.

That said, how much does Laravel cost? The Laravel framework is free. Yet, the expert help that you’ll likely require for software implementation won’t come cheap. So, let’s answer this question in two ways. The first aspect we will address is the cost of hiring a Laravel developer. It can range from anywhere between $20 and $100 per hour. The second is an estimate of the cost of a custom Laravel website. In this case, you must prepare to part with anything between $3,000 and $250,000 for the project.

The Cost of Hiring a Laravel Developer

Developing a web application or website is often a once-off project. It usually runs for a limited period. Unless you have a Laravel guru in your IT department, you’ll have to outsource the service. On average, the cost of hiring a Laravel developer starts at approximately $20 per hour. The rate can go higher or lower depending on several variables outlined below:

  • Region: Laravel outsourcing companies come with different rates, depending on your area. If you’re in North America, you have to budget at least $20 per hour up to, at most, $50 per hour. The same service is a lot pricier in South America. The lowest rate stands at approximately $29, while the greatest goes all the way up to $100, due to the lack of labor force.
  • Engagement model: Location aside, software development companies use different engagement models. Having these options is great because you get to pick the model that suits your project needs and budget. The project-based model is one of the most popular. In this case, you use a fixed rate to cover the duration of the job. Then you have the time and materials based model. In this scenario, resources used and time invested determine a project’s cost. Last but not least, you can hire a complete team if you need continued support for the project.
  • Experience: The experience of the Laravel developer also determines the cost. Seasoned developers will charge much more than their novice counterparts, but sometimes you can find great developers just starting their career who are willing to work for a lower price as a way to build their project portfolio.  

The Cost of a Custom Laravel Website

Let’s consider the cost of your custom Laravel website. You’re likely looking at spending anything between $3,000 and $250,000. As you can see, there’s a vast difference in rates, owing to several factors that we will outline here. The developer’s experience, qualifications, and time invested will all sway the rate. But more than anything, the cost of the website is primarily determined by the following variables:

  • Customization: Just how narrow or wide is the customization you require for the website? If extensive customization is part of the package, you’ll need to budget a lot more for the project. It tracks that if you add minimal customization functions to the website, you can afford to save a few bucks. Custom functionality includes aspects like self-selection tools, membership portals, and eCommerce functions. Regardless of the option you go with, the goal is to ensure that the final product allows for a seamless user experience.
  • Website features: The website features you require also impact the cost. Are you looking for a basic website? Or do you want all the bells and whistles that come with it? Examples of features that drive the price tag up include using an on-page SEO strategy, animations, custom graphics, and imagery sourcing. The more features you have, the more money you can expect to pay and vice versa.
  • The number of pages: The number of website pages you require impacts the price tag. The cost of designing ten pages will be more than that of creating two. After the number of pages, the design elements employed on each page will also impact the price. Will you go with a modern, clean design or a more complex one? Remember that regardless of the method you select, the goal of your web application is to convert users. 


Before you hire a Laravel developer, you need to understand the financial implications of the project before you start. The kind of developer you hire, the engagement model you pick, and the location of the outsourcing company will determine the amount you pay. If you prefer to approach the matter based on the entire project’s cost, factors like customization, pages involved, and website features will play a role. Regardless of the approach you go with, make sure that you hire someone adequately skilled to execute the job.

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