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How to Find an iOS Developer for Your Project

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There’s nothing more frustrating than when you’re creating an app and can’t find a developer. You’ve tried to do it yourself, but you don’t have the time or skills needed to complete such a task.

As luck would have it, we’ve put together a guide on how to hire iOS developers for Your Project. This guide will help you know exactly how much it costs to develop an iOS app and what steps you need to take when hiring an iOS developer.

The Cost of Developing an iOS App

The cost to develop an iOS app can vary greatly depending on the type of app, how complex it will be, its features and functionality, along the number of hours needed to create it, and the hourly rate of the professionals you have hired. But, we can give you a rough estimate by using the following formula:

(Number of Hours X Hourly Rate) + (App Store Fee %) = App Development Cost

For example, if you want an app with basic functionality and it takes 100 hours to develop, the cost would be (100 X $50) + (30% App Store Fee) = $11,500. So, when you’re thinking about how much it will cost to develop an iOS app, make sure that you consider all of the factors mentioned above.

The cost of developing an iOS app and the cost of an iOS developer is directly intertwined. If the cost of hiring an iOS app developer is high, the general price of app development will be too.

To find the right iOS developer worth your time and money, follow the three steps below.

Steps to Take When Hiring an iOS Developer

Step 1: Evaluate Their Areas of Expertise and Hands-On Skills

The best way to determine whether or not an iOS developer is suitable for your project is by evaluating their areas of expertise and how skilled they are. You can categorize their skill and experience levels into three ranks: Junior, Middle, and Senior. 

The most significant difference between these levels is how long individuals have practiced their craft. According to their experience ranks, a Junior developer has less than two years of professional experience, whereas a Senior developer has more than five years of programming experience.

Step 2: Evaluate Their Communication Skills and Soft Skills

You will have the best results in your app development if you hire an iOS developer with similar cultural backgrounds and ideals. You should also ensure you hire a developer who has a strong work ethic.

Doing this will allow you to avoid organizational conflicts and misunderstandings, which will help expedite your app’s development process.

Additionally, you should make sure that your candidates possess the right soft skills, such as being able to prioritize their work deliverables, being a helpful part of a working team, being able to handle stressful situations, and being proactive in offering solutions.

Besides having hands-on skills, these solid soft skills are essential for the success of your project since they will enhance teamwork and promote a healthy work environment.

Step 3: Evaluate their Portfolio

A candidate’s portfolio is an excellent opportunity to assess their natural talents, skills, and experience.

During the interview, you will need to learn more about the nature of work they like and their technological achievements. You can do this by asking your potential iOS developer for hire about their previous three projects’ duties and responsibilities.

Remember, you may use your iPhone to research apps developed by your candidates and read reviews and feedback about their apps from their users on the internet.

Now that you know how to hire an iOS developer, let us explore the available hiring options you might consider.

iOS Developer Hiring Options

Option 1: Hire a Freelance iOS Developer From an Online Marketplace

The best place to look for an iOS developer for your project is online. You can find many highly experienced developers here on Guru; plus you’ll be able to see their rates, reviews from previous clients, and their past project portfolio.

Option 2: Use a Staffing Agency to Find an iOS Developer 

Staffing agencies are great because they have pre-screened candidates and can provide you with the perfect developer for your needs. However, this option is more expensive than the others.

Option 3: Use an iPhone App Development Company

If you’re looking for a complete development team, an iPhone app development company is the best option. They will have a group of developers who are skilled in all areas of iOS development. The downside is that this option can be expensive, and they may not provide you with the specific developer you need for your project. You can find full development companies available for hire here on Guru.

Now that you know the different options for hiring an iOS Developer, it’s time to get started on your app! But before diving into any contracts or agreements, make sure you do adequate research about each interviewee’s ability to handle your project. So, when it comes time for you to sign off on a contract with them, you will be confident they’ll deliver excellent results as promised without the need for micromanagement.

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