Employer Resources

How to Find a Drawing Artist

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When you hire an artist to draw for your company, you can increase your customer base and help establish or increase your brand awareness by leveraging beautiful masterpieces. In this article, we will look at some helpful tips on how to hire a drawing artist.

Why Should You Hire a Drawing Artist?

There are many reasons to hire a drawing artist, including:

  • helping to drive brand awareness
  • attracting new customers
  • improving customer loyalty

When hiring a potential candidate, it’s essential to understand whether they possess the skills listed in their resume or online profile. Some of the qualities you need to look out for in a drawing artist include:

  • versatility to use different mediums when drawing
  • the ability to think creatively and come up with unique concepts to target the intended audience
  • the ability to work collaboratively to work with other teams within the organization;
  • understanding design principles that will attract customers and ensure they linger to look at the illustrations
  • the tech-savvy to adapt and keep up with new design strategies

Deciding Between a Full-Time and a Freelance Drawing Artist

The decision to hire a full-time or a freelance drawing artist should be based on the organization’s needs. Hiring a full-time artist will work best if you’ll need regular drawings, but you should consider hiring a freelancer if you only expect to need them for a few projects. 

Hiring a freelancer for infrequent projects can help you save money because most freelance artists charge per hour or for each completed milestone. Most of their rates are also negotiable, which creates the opportunity to trim your budget. Moreover, most freelancers are contract-based, meaning you’re not obliged to pay for their benefits.

How Do You Find a Drawing Artist?

Nowadays, there are many avenues to finding a drawing artist. Here are a few worth considering:

Conduct an Online Search

Most drawing artists advertise their services online to reach a global audience. You can find freelance and full-time drawing artists this way, and most of them have a portfolio of their past work, making it easy to compare their skill sets. Moreover, most profiles show their expected rate.

Distribute Flyers

It can help to create and distribute flyers and place them in strategic places such as public notice boards. This is one of the most effective ways to discover top-qualified drawing artists.

Hire From Within the Organization

Before looking elsewhere, you should first search for potential candidates within your organization. Hiring from within is one of the most effective ways to improve employee motivation, which reduces turnover.

Post Your Vacancy Online

There are many sites where you can advertise a job vacancy. Some sites offer free listings, while others charge a small fee to carry the advertisement for a limited period. Posting your vacancy online has the potential to attract the highest caliber of candidates. You can then narrow down the pool based on their skills and conduct interviews in person or online.

Finding a drawing artist doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. By utilizing the tips we’ve covered above, you’re better positioned to hire an affordable, qualified candidate. When interviewing potential candidates, it’s essential to request their portfolio and education background and understand whether they keep up with the latest in the art industry.

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