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Best Sites to Hire Drupal Developers

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If you’re reading this, it’s fair to assume that you want to build a website and you’re exploring Drupal as an option for the CMS (Content Management System) software. Looking for a developer of any kind can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t understand the associated language you’re likely to find on a developer’s resume. Drupal developers are a powerful tool to have access to and making sure you understand their work and the basics of the platform is important.

Today, we’ll examine what makes Drupal an excellent choice for your CMS, and look at some of the best places to find Drupal developers.

Why Choose Drupal Over Other CMS Software?

Drupal started out as the underdog in the CMS software community. For years, WordPress dominated the market–even today, Drupal is only utilized by 3.5% of websites, and WordPress is used by over 45%. These numbers can be misleading, however, because what matters isn’t how many websites are running Drupal—it’s what those websites are. To put it simply, WordPress is for amateurs and Drupal is for professionals. This is why Drupal is better than WordPress.

Drupal has become the CMS software of choice for serious developers working for some of the largest organizations and governments on Earth. While WordPress is great for your recipe blog or your ecommerce shop, Drupal exists for those who need serious and unlimited customization of their websites, as well as top-notch security to protect against all sorts of malicious actors online. 

This is not to say that Drupal isn’t right for a small business–far from it. Drupal should be the CMS of choice for anyone looking for the ultimate in customization and security.

What to Look For in a Quality Drupal Developer

Resumes Aren’t Everything

For those who aren’t familiar with IT lingo, reading an IT professional’s resume can be like trying to decipher ancient Latin texts. Sure, some of the words look a little familiar, but you don’t really understand the big picture. For this reason, it’s great to ask developers to provide you with a portfolio of their past work. Most developers can show you websites they’ve helped design and prove they can provide the functionality you’re looking for. 

Many developers may not be able to provide a full portfolio of their work, but this can actually be for a very good reason. They may have worked for clients that required developers to sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) in which they agreed not to disclose any details about their work. NDAs of this nature are common when it comes to work performed for large corporations and governments. Fortunately, all one needs to do is make a few phone calls or ask for some references to prove that the developer did indeed work for the clients stated. 

These types of developers, especially those with government experience, are likely to be your best bet when you’re looking for a developer who is well versed in confidentiality.

Find the Developer Who Has the Right Experience

Simply finding Drupal on someone’s resume does not make a potential hire an ideal candidate. You should look for a developer that has past experience with websites similar to yours–for example, if you’re looking to design a corporate site with both internal and external logins and users, you should find a developer who has dealt with this before. Similarly, if security is a concern, ask the developer what security protocols they’ve put in place on their past projects.

Where Can I Find a Drupal Developer?

You can always start on LinkedIn and run a keyword search, but most of these developers already have jobs and are bombarded constantly with offers because of the ongoing shortage of IT professionals. 

An excellent place to start is with reputable freelancer hiring sites such as Guru. There, you can look at a wide variety of Drupal developers who have experience that fits your needs, and find pricing tiers, past reviews from clients, and introductory videos. Once you find the Drupal developer you’re looking for, you can hire them to build the website you’ve always wanted.

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