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Benefits of Joomla Migration

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When you talk to Joomla developers for hire, one of the many things they might suggest is a migration to Joomla 4.x—the newest, most powerful version of the Joomla Content Management System (CMS).

Today, we’ll look at the cost of migration Joomla options and share some insights into the major changes in this most recent iteration of the global site management software.

Why Migrate to Joomla 4.x?

If your site or app is functioning well, you might wonder what Joomla is used for and whether there is any advantage in migrating to the more recent version of Joomla.

Joomla is a content management engine that drives all the digital interfaces that represent your business. If you have the opportunity to migrate, you could benefit from:

  • New design and navigation features
  • Archiving and clearing outdated web content and menus
  • A wide range of new third-party extensions
  • Improved site search engine optimization (SEO) and mobile optimization tools
  • Accessibility functions to broaden your inclusivity
  • Upgraded protection against security breaches

If this sounds good, the next step is to check with your developer or freelancer about which Joomla version you’re currently running.

What Does a Joomla Migration Involve?

While Joomla uses the term “migration,” the transition is more about upgrading from an older CMS to a new one. It’s called a migration because each major release involves a massive data restructure that makes it more involved than a basic system update. A migration comprises several steps:

  • Filtering through your current data assets and setting aside the content you wish to retain, and archiving older or outdated items you don’t want to take with you
  • Learning the new tools and functions available, and running through fixes or optimizations to improve site efficiency
  • Choosing whether to keep third-party extensions and modules and determining which are redundant since much of the functionality is probably now available through Joomla

Hiring a Joomla developer–through a platform like Guru–to handle a migration is often the most convenient option because it’s a little more involved than just clicking an upgrade box.

Can You Use Joomla 4.x Without Migrating?

Unfortunately, the newest version of Joomla isn’t available without a migration because the enhancements impacted and changed some of the CMS’s core structure. There are also considerable technological updates within the PHP and MySQL versions that run on the host server, which means that the CMS technology has evolved.

Previous life cycles are still supported, but only for two more years, so any security patches introduced to solve glitches or bugs will be discontinued on older versions. Joomla is also a software script that won’t support older scripts indefinitely because this would pose a potential security risk.

What Does a Joomla Migration Cost?

The software itself is open source and free, but it takes a fair amount of time and expertise to manage the migration. If you decide to hire a Joomla developer to manage your migration, it’s worth getting at least three quotes to ensure you’re getting the best value for your investment. However, the skill and experience of your developer will also play a big part in ensuring your revamped website takes full advantage of all the upgrades available. Sometimes, paying more now will cost you less in the long run.

Many businesses also mix and match with premium extension options, which usually cost between $30 and $250 depending on the tools and features desired. You can also use Joomla hosting plans, which are priced from $5 to $70 per year, depending on the size of your digital assets and the storage required.

Should I Hire A Joomla Developer to Handle My Website Migration?

Brands with an in-house development team may be able to manage their Joomla migration independently, but it’s usually a good practice to draw on professional advice. Migration isn’t particularly difficult, but it is precision-orientated. Making one wrong step could mean you lose out on some of those all-important benefits. 

For example, a site or app built with Joomla can perform very well in terms of SEO, but only if the pages are set up correctly. Within the software, there are a lot of functions specifically engineered for SEO optimization. A capable developer found on Guru may be the best person to leverage that potential and apply it to your site. 

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