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How to Get Your Book Edited

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Editing can be a daunting process. Despite being able to knit words together skillfully, many authors struggle to edit their own text. Sometimes, they are unable to spot tiny errors, and at other times, they find it difficult to assess their plot and story development.

For this reason, many writers hire editors to help finalize their books. If you’re wondering how to have your book edited, what the process is, and where to find editors, we have all the answers you need.

Steps to Getting Your Book Edited

1. Understand the Editing Process

The first step is to have a proper understanding of what kind of editing your text requires. Do you need to get minor errors checked? Do you want to get your text proofread? Do you need it entirely paraphrased?

Here are some editing options you can choose from–you can get one or all of these types of editing, depending on your needs and budget:

  • Proofreading—This is basically the final step of book publishing, during which the editors check the consistency of the text.
  • Copyediting—In this service, the editor restructures your text with proper grammar and facts where required.
  • Developmental editing—This is an advanced level service in which the editor will review and edit the plot and structure of the book.

All of these types of editors can be hired as freelancers. Sometimes, it’s better to hire a freelance book editor instead of a traditional editing agency–just make sure you use a secure and reliable platform like Guru to find the best fit for your project.

2. Consider Working With Beta Readers

If you can’t decide on the type of editing your book requires, consider working with beta readers. This is a trial and error method, whereby you provide your target audience with the first draft of your book and ask them for feedback. 

Beta readers will not nitpick your structural or grammatical errors, but you should be able to get an idea of where your book is lacking. Beta proofreading is an easy and feasible method of getting an idea of the level of editing your book requires. If you are a beginning author who is about to publish their first book and are searching for cheap yet constructive feedback, this path may be a good option.

3. Search for an Editor

Once you’ve decided on the type of editor you’re going to hire, it’s time to search for an editor. As a starting point, you can ask fellow authors if they know someone with experience in editing the type of book you’ve written; you can also look for editors in published books and articles. 

You should also consider browsing a reliable freelance platform–like Guru–for an editor. There are many benefits of doing this, including:

  • The ability to work remotely and coordinate with your editor over the internet
  • The ability to hire talent from anywhere in the world
  • Safe and secure payments via Escrow, which releases money to the editor only after you’re satisfied with their work
  • The ability to read hundreds of reviews about an editor before hiring them

4. Opt for a Skilled Editor Over an Experienced One

How much a book editor costs vary, and not everyone can afford them–especially first-time authors who are taking a risk on how their book will perform. 

Luckily, the editor market is saturated with talented beginners offering freelance editing services at affordable rates. You can exchange a few questions to assess the quality of their work and what they’re like to work with. Many new editors do not yet have referrals or work samples, so consider providing a portion of your text and adding some errors to test the skills of an editor you want to hire.

Final Thoughts

Editing is just as much of a journey as writing a book or brainstorming a concept. As a new author, it can be a scary process–this is why it’s important to get the help of a skilled freelance editor from Guru to take some of the burden off your shoulders!

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