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How to Run and Manage Amazon PPC Campaigns

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Amazon pay-per-click (PPC) is an advertising model that allows sellers to increase traffic to their storefront or product pages. A seller bids on relevant keywords, and when a user searches for something on the e-commerce platform using these terms, the highest bidder’s ad shows up. When a potential customer clicks on the ad, the seller is charged a small amount. 

Amazon has made it easy for sellers to run and manage Amazon PPC campaigns, but it still takes a lot of work–especially if you’re dealing with multiple marketing efforts on top of keeping your business up and running. This is why you should hire freelance Amazon PPC experts from Guru to help you!

Why Is Amazon PPC Important?

Every day, millions of people on Amazon’s app or website are actively looking to make a purchase. If your product doesn’t show up on the first page of the search results, you’re missing an opportunity for a sale. Amazon PPC helps sellers bring their pages and products up to the top, giving you more visibility, which could translate to higher profits and brand recognition.

Creating Amazon PPC Campaigns

Access the Campaign Manager

You can set up Amazon PPC campaigns right on your seller dashboard. Sign in to your Amazon Seller Central account, head to ‘Advertising’ and then ‘Campaign Manager.’

Set a Budget

One of the first things you must do to create an Amazon PPC campaign is to define your budget. Remember that your daily budget can add up, so it’s best to start with a number for the month and then break it down into your daily spending.

Choose a Product to Advertise

Choose which product to advertise. You can opt for your top-selling items or push products that you want to lessen inventory of; it’s good to have a mix. Keep in mind that a campaign can have different ads within it.

Pick Your Keywords

Choosing keywords is probably the most important part of setting up your campaign, so it’s crucial to know how to find keywords for Amazon PPC. Amazon offers some suggested keywords, but it’s best to delve deeper into your research–check your competitors, survey top search results, and use third-party tools like Google.

Next, set your bid. A good formula to follow is ‘target (advertising cost of sales x product price) x organic conversion rate = default bid.’ Amazon only charges the highest bidder one cent above the second-highest bid, so you can jack up your price by 40–50% if you want to be more aggressive (but be sure you’re still willing to spend that much in case competition is stiff).

Add the Campaign Details

Fill out the remaining details of your campaign, then save and finish it. It will be sent in for review and should be live in about an hour after you submit it.

Managing Amazon PPC Campaigns

The work doesn’t stop even when your Amazon PPC campaign is already running–you have to track it and adjust it. For even more effective ads, you can hire an Amazon PPC expert from Guru! 

Here are some things you need to do to guarantee and keep up the success of your Amazon PPC campaigns:

Track Insights

Amazon Seller Central’s Campaign Manager can help you see how your ads are performing. You’ll want to pay attention to four important metrics:

  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of people who click on your ads after seeing them
  • Conversion rate: The percentage of people who purchase after clicking on your ad
  • Cost per conversion: The average cost of acquiring a conversion
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS): Revenue generated for every dollar spent on ads

This information can help you determine if your campaigns are effective and if you’re maximizing your ad budget. If not, you can use the data to inform changes.

Adjust Campaigns

Based on your insights, adjust your campaigns to make them better. Some things you can do are optimize your keywords, tweak your ad copy, and adjust your bid strategy.

Hire an Amazon PPC Expert

To get the most out of your Amazon PPC campaigns, it helps to hire an expert who can effectively run and manage them. An Amazon PPC expert can help you with everything from setting budgets to keyword research to campaign monitoring, which rids you of extra work so you can focus on your store.

Hire an Amazon PPC Expert to Run and Manage Amazon PPC Campaigns

Guru, a top online freelance marketplace, has hundreds of Amazon PPC experts who are ready to share their knowledge and experience to help you run Amazon PPC campaigns that convert. Find the right Amazon PPC expert for your business on Guru today!

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