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Importance of Full-Stack Developers for a Company

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Full-stack developers are jacks-of-all-trades. They can work on the front-end (customer side) or the back-end (server-side), being able to single-handedly complete agile projects on their own. Any company looking for help with their tech needs should hire full-stack developers via Guru to help them create apps, websites, or programs that are attractive, high-performing, adaptable, and scalable.

What Is a Full-Stack Developer?

A full-stack developer is a software expert with skills in both front-end and back-end development. They can do it all–from designing your web product to building servers and databases, making them a great asset when you need something developed from scratch. Their knowledge of coding languages and keen understanding of technology helps them develop a minimum viable product with little-to-no support.

What Does a Full-Stack Developer Do?

Because the scope of their work is large, full-stack developers have a lot on their plate. Their key responsibilities include:

  • Optimizing front-end code
  • Developing the back-end
  • Managing databases
  • Building infrastructure
  • Handling API integration
  • Liaising project collaterals and requirements with the client and relevant teams
  • Solving security issues

Why You Should Hire a Full-Stack Developer

A full-stack developer is a full team in one. They can get your website or app off the ground and fully launched or provide post-product development guidance to help orient teams about the project and sell it better. Hiring a freelance full-stack developer from Guru offers a ton of benefits—here are some reasons why you should hire one:

Cost-Effective Service

Creating a tech product often requires a full team, but a full-stack developer alone can do the various jobs needed to bring the project to fruition. With full-stack developer costs ranging from only $15 to $80 an hour, they’re often a more cost-effective solution than hiring multiple staff. Additionally, skilled full-stack developers have a great sense of responsibility, which ensures that there are no delays in the project–saving you time and resources.

Multiple Tech Proficiencies

On top of being proficient in front-end and back-end development, a good full-stack developer is adept and up-to-date with the latest technology, and their multifaceted skill sets make them an all-in-one solution. Front-end developers design user interfaces and work on usability, while back-end developers build prototype codes that connect to content management systems. Full-stack developers can do both, and are well-versed in the processes that connect them.

The services that full-stack developers provide typically extend even after the product is made–they can help train teams on the usage of the app, website, or program, guiding them to communicate the selling points to customers and stakeholders.

Perspective and Approach

Because full-stack developers deal with all aspects of development, they have different perspectives about approaching their work. With their diverse experience, they’re able to see different angles to make an effective final product that stands out. Plus, full-stack developers are experts in thinking about the customer point-of-view, so they’re able to create products that provide an easy, understandable, and seamless customer experience.

Excellent Problem-Solving

The versatility of full-stack developers makes them excellent problem-solvers. For one, they’re able to more quickly identify any issues that arise and determine the best course of action to solve them. Should there be an emergency, they can step in to find a solution, as they have in-depth knowledge of each stage of a project’s development.

Improved Team Management

Building a team with multiple developers skilled in various aspects of the project may lead to misunderstandings, but a group of full-stack developers is easier to manage. They’ll communicate more efficiently, understanding the views of one another. This improves team dynamics and reduces the burden on any one individual, making everyone feel more comfortable and efficient.

How to Find a Good Full-Stack Developer

A good full-stack developer must be proficient in coding language, have experience building web products, and be highly responsible. You can find developers like this on Guru and hire them in just a few clicks. The platform is trusted by over three million employers and freelancers, so you can rest assured that your future project will be in good hands.

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