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Is Magento Good for a Small Business?

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Magento is currently one of the most popular e-commerce solutions. But as an open-source platform built on hypertext preprocessor (PHP) language, it’s not the easiest website builder to use. Unless you’re already adept in coding and web development, you’ll need Magento developers to create a website using the platform. 

But how much does it cost to hire a Magento developer? Maybe a more relevant concern is how much it will cost you in the long run not to hire a Magento developer.

Magento offers great value to small businesses that use it to craft their e-commerce sites. The platform’s feature-rich technology is full of plug-ins, features, and other flexible options that will allow you to design your site exactly the way you want it, with all the bells and whistles that you need.

What Is Magento?

Magento is a website development solution based on open-source technology, built on PHP language. It allows developers and business owners to create well-designed, fully-functional websites that are search engine optimization (SEO) friendly and scalable.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Magento Developer?

Magento isn’t a drag-and-drop website builder, so you likely need to hire a Magento developer. You can hire one for anywhere between $25 to $250 an hour, though it’s possible to find decent options at lower price points.

The price range differs depending on the developer’s skills, experience, and country. You must take great care looking into their credentials to assess if they can deliver what you need.

What Are the Main Features of Magento?

Magento has a long list of features that have made it the go-to of many e-commerce website developers when creating UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) optimized sites. Here are the main features that you can enjoy with the platform:

  • Marketing, promotion, and conversion tools
  • SEO capabilities
  • Easy site management
  • Optimized catalog management
  • Enhanced browsing experience
  • Seamless check-outs, payments, and shipping
  • Simplified order management
  • Customer accounts
  • Support for international (i.e., multi-currency) shops
  • Built-in analytics and reporting
  • Mobile optimization

Advantages of Magento

Magento makes it easy to create powerful, user-friendly websites that help businesses convert customers more efficiently, all while providing site owners with site management tools that make operations more seamless and scalable.

Here are some advantages of using Magento:

Great UX Capabilities

With marketing, promotion, and conversion tools backed with robust catalog and browsing features, Magento is unbeatable when you need a website that intuitively leads the customer to checkout.

Exciting User Interface Templates

Magento has a wide variety of templates that you can use to build your website just how you want it—both in look and functionality.

High Customizability

Built on open-source technology and PHP, Magento is highly customizable, which means that you can easily add or tweak everything on your site to fit your vision and needs.


Magento has built-in SEO tools such as meta-information and custom uniform resource locators (URLs) that make SEO simpler to achieve.

Mobile Optimization

You can design Magento-built websites optimized for mobile so customers can have the same excellent customer experience whether they’re accessing your e-commerce shop on their laptops or their phones.

Disadvantages of Magento

Though Magento is a front-runner for web development, it does come with a set of disadvantages that you must consider when trying it out. Here’s what to expect:

Complex Web Development

Magento may be too complex to use on your own unless you’re adept in internet language and web development. Luckily, you can easily hire budget-friendly Magento developers on Guru.com to build your dream website for you.

Expensive Plug-in Prices

Though Magento itself is free, you’ll have to pay fees for specific plug-ins, which can add up to hefty expenses.

Heavy Resources

Magento is generally a bulky and resource-heavy platform, which means you’ll need to invest in domains, hosting, and hardware, among other things, to get it to run smoothly.

Slow Platform

Magento can perform very slowly on its interface during the customization process, one of its worst drawbacks. It is indeed a stumbling block to consider when you need to get things done as soon as possible.

Should I Use Magento for My Small Business?

Magento can add value for many small, medium, and large businesses. Its high-quality customization tools allow business owners to own well-designed and fully-functional websites that convert customers. 

Magento websites are also scalable, making them easy to grow with your business. However, the e-commerce solution has a few drawbacks: its complex web development process and expensive plug-ins.

Magento developers can help bring your dream website to life at a reasonable price. Magento’s benefits outweigh its disadvantages, and you can always hire the right person to overcome any problems you may encounter. So go ahead and ]check out the developers we have here at Guru.com to find the perfect one for you in just a few clicks!

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