Vue.js has proven to be a reliable and advanced framework for developing user interfaces for applications. Many companies and individuals looking to develop apps for their businesses are using this framework because of the simplicity, component-based construction, reusability, enhanced performance, documentation, and libraries it provides, among other benefits.
There are numerous advantages of Vue.js for startups that you can employ when integrating your app, or during website development. But to utilize these benefits, you have to work with a qualified Vue.js expert. So, before you hire Vue.js programmers, you need to understand the most important aspects of Vue.js. That way, you will ask the right interview questions so you can be sure of hiring a capable developer. Here are the main Vue.js interview questions to ask your programmers before hiring them, along with their answers.
What Is Vue.js Reactivity and What Issues Emerge When Tracing Changes?
Reactivity refers to the automatic update and re-rendering of the component when the Vue properties change. During initialization, these properties are changed to getters and setters, allowing Vue to know when each property is accessed or altered. An experienced Vue.js programmer should understand that the Vue.set technique has to be applied to include new root-level receptive properties because JavaScript limitation prevents Vue from detecting object property removal or addition.
What Is the Difference Between Slots and Scoped Slots?
A slot is used in a child module as a placeholder. It’s usually packed with content acquired from the parent. An ordinary slot holds content accumulated in the parent’s scope and later delivers it to the child constituent. This means that the properties of the child component can’t be used in the slot’s component. A scoped slot, on the other hand, allows you to distribute content from the child component to the parent scope, and later use it in slot content.
What Are the Pros and Cons of Mixins?
Mixins are designed to help you reuse code between components in your vue.js application or software configuration tool. As a JavaScript item, a mixin can have any option contained in the component. If a component uses mixins, the content in the mixins can be combined with the component’s options. The main benefit of using mixins is that they help you adhere to the don’t repeat yourself (DRY) principle. However, you should use mixins carefully to avoid unforeseen performance and maintenance problems.
Always use pure functions to implement your mixins because they won’t alter anything that’s outside their scope. In addition, avoid international mixins because they’ll affect every single component as your application grows, thus creating maintenance issues. Using specific mixins in your components will result in sustainable code.
What Is the Meaning of a Single-File Component?
A single-file component refers to any file whose .vue extension has a Vue component. The component’s logic, style, and template are all put together in a single file. A single-file component features one <script> block, optional <template>, and <style> blocks. It may also have some supplementary custom blocks. To use a single-file component, you should design a Vue Loader for describing the file. It also allows you to use non-default languages like Sass, and HTML with pluggable pre-processors.
What’s the Main Cause of Memory Leaks in vue.JS Applications and How Do You Solve It?
The most common cause of memory leaks in vue.js apps is the use of third-party libraries. These libraries are known to form their instances and influence the DOM. To remove these instances, you have to physically clean up the beforeDestroy lifecycle hook, after using a third-party library. Failure to clean up before the Vue component is destroyed by the Vue Router and v-if directive, the memory won’t be released, resulting in memory leaks.
How Is the Virtual Dom Beneficial?
A virtual DOM is the tree-like data configuration of JavaScript items that represent DOM nodes organized by Vue.js. These nodes, commonly referred to as virtual nodes, are also rendered on the page. Virtual DOM makes DOM manipulation quicker and more proficient. Too many nodes in your DOM will push the cost of updating them up, in connection with the processing power and the required resources. Vue.js systematizes DOM updates in lots for more productivity.
Why Is Vue.js Better Than Other Frameworks?
An experienced programmer should understand the benefits and drawbacks of each front-end framework so that they can choose the right one for your app development needs. Compared to its alternatives, Vue.js has shown better performance. It also has a larger compiled size. This front-end framework is easy to use and suitable for large-scale applications.
These questions can be used to assess a developer’s knowledge, and experience in Vue.js. Any professional developer who has worked with Vue.js before, shouldn’t have a problem answering any of these interview questions.