Jordan, Amman, Jordan
$50/hr · Starting at $35
War in Ukraine: Vladimir Putin's two daughters sanctioned by the EU Maria Vorontsova and Katerina Tikhonova are now blacklisted by the EU, along with over 200 others YOU DON'T CHOOSE YOUR FAMILY - Mar…
Amman, Amman, Jordan
$15/hr · Starting at $25
The Bed Bath & Beyond Chief Financial Officer Gustavo Arnal, who was found dead on Friday after falling from the 18th floor of a New York City apartment building, recently was named in a lawsuit accus…
Madaba, Madaba, Jordan
$25/hr · Starting at $25
Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email to…
$10/hr · Starting at $25
The two top officials of Hungary's meteorological service were fired Monday after an inaccurate rain forecast prompted the postponement of a fireworks display on the country's most important national
$20/hr · Starting at $25
اليوبيل البلاتيني هو الأحدث حيث تتوقع محلات السوبر ماركت زيادة المبيعات في نهاية هذا الأسبوع ؛ أصبح المفضل لدى الملكة شائعًا ؛ طقس مشمس متوقع خلال عطلة البنوك ؛ يسجل الآلاف من الآلاف لاستخراج وجبات غد…
Abu Alanda, Amman, Jordan
إندور (ماديا براديش): بمناسبة الذكرى السنوية لميلاد ديفي أهيليا باي هولكار ، يوم الأحد ، تقدم لك Free Press بعض القصص المرتبطة بملكة هولكار والتي تظهر تقواها وشهرتها. شارك في هذه القصص المؤرخ ظفر أنصا…
irbid, Irbid, Jordan
$5/hr · Starting at $25
Explosions rock military depot in Russian-annexed Crimea KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Massive explosions and fires hit a military depot in Russia-annexed Crimea on Tuesday, forcing the evacuation of more than…
Reclamation of about 900ha of land off Changi expected to start by year endThe specific use of the land is still being studied, says HDB.SINGAPORE - Reclamation works for about 900ha of land off Chang…
al mafraq, Al Mafraq, Jordan
$35/hr · Starting at $25
Relatives of the missing 43 Ayotzinapa students hold signs that read in Spanish “You took them alive, We want them back alive” during a protest outside a military base in Mexico City, Friday, Sept. 23…
Pictured: Thousands of soldiers in ceremonial uniform gathered at Buckingham Palace in the early hours for a practice run at 4am. London got a glimpse of what the late Queen's funeral may look like at…
jabal alzuhur, Amman, Jordan
$25/hr · Starting at $35
عُثر على أكثر من 200 حوت جانح اليوم الأربعاء عند شاطئ ناءٍ على الساحل الغربي لجزيرة تسمانيا الأسترالية. يحلق ، نصف العدد ، من الحيتان الطيًارة على أغلب الظن ، ما بعده على قيد الحياة. وقد أُرسل منقذون
Russia launched a new swarm of Iranian-made drones overnight, Ukraine’s Air Force said on Saturday, attacking critical infrastructure in several regions after unleashing a barrage of cruise missiles
zarqa, Az Zarqa, Jordan
Violent protests erupted following the ousting and detention of President Pedro Castillo, who had sought to dissolve Parliament in a last-minute power grab. Deadly unrest in the wake of a political c…
Amman, Ma, Jordan
The tech giant also inked a series of content licensing deals with top Indian production houses and added a new TVOD video service to its India platform. Amazon is doubling down on the India market i…
amman, Amman, Jordan
COVID-19 was responsible for one in every 12 deaths in the U.S. during the first 18 months of the pandemic, an NIH report finds Heart disease and cancer have long been the nation's leading causes of d…
Gun violence survivors and their families were left in terror Saturday at the March For Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C., after a man close to the stage reportedly began shouting that he was armed.…
قرار المجلس الدستوري يعني أن الحكومة يمكنها تمرير قانون لزيادة الحد الأدنى لسن الأهلية في وقت مبكر من الأسبوع المقبل وافقت أعلى محكمة دستورية في فرنسا على مقترحات إيمانويل ماكرون لرفع الحد الأدنى لسن
Amman, Irbid, Jordan
الرجاء استخدام أدوات المشاركة الموجودة عبر زر المشاركة أعلى المقالات أو بجانبها. يعد نسخ المقالات لمشاركتها مع الآخرين انتهاكًا لشروط وأحكام وسياسة حقوق النشر. ترخيص البريد الإلكتروني لش…
دودج تشالنجر SRT Demon 170 هي آخر سيارة تعمل بمحرك V8 ستقدمها العلامة التجارية قبل أن تتوقف عن بنائها تمامًا في نهاية عام 2023 ، وهي نموذج يصنع التاريخ. يتم تشغيل الكوبيه ذات البابين بواسطة محرك V8 فا…
US Marine forces have been flexing their muscles during assault drills with South Korea in a massive display of joint fire power. On Wednesday morning, thousands of troops and high-end weaponry were u…