Send before Jan 16, 2025
Hello Freelancers I'm Looking for App and Website Promo Video freelancer should do the script in arabic and english + the promo video + the voice over recording in Arabic and English 2 Videos 1 in Arabic and 1 in English include in your price all what i said
147 Spent | 100%
Send before Jan 15, 2025
Good afternoon! The piece - I would like my girlfriend, as a minifigurine for a Dungeons & Dragons campaign, in a high-fashion inspired outfit, with sharp shoulders and a sword held downwards into the…
United States
Hardware: Arduino Giga R1 Wifi with Giga 480 x 800 TFT graphic sheild. (1 each) Adafruit BNO0055 IMU (Compass & angle sensor) Product code 4646 (2 each) Adafruit DS3231 RTC (Real Time Clock) I2C Pr…
250 Spent
Send before Jan 31, 2025
Hello, I hope you're having a great day. I’m looking for a singer who can read music. If you don’t have an existing audio sample, please provide a recording of yourself singing the first 15 seconds of…