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Edit Agreement

An Agreement, once in effect, can be edited later if required. It can be edited by either party and must be accepted by the other to be in effect.

To edit an Agreement:

  1. Go to the Agreement in the WorkRoom.
  2. Click on “Edit.”
  3. Make changes to the Agreement and click on “Preview.”
  4. Send the Agreement to your Employer.

If your Employer edits the Agreement, you will receive a message to review the changes. Accept these changes if you agree, or decline and send your suggestions.

To review a new Agreement:

  1. Click on the job tile.
  2. Review the Agreement.
  3. Approve, edit or decline the Agreement.


  • While editing the Agreement, funds in SafePay that are not reserved to pay any invoice, will be returned to the Employer upon acceptance of the edited Agreement.

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