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Job Q&A

Every job posted on Guru has a public Q&A board where Freelancers can seek clarification regarding the job directly from the Employer. All Freelancers on Guru can view the Job Q&A, however, only users with paid memberships can post questions.

To access Q&A for a specific job:

  1. Go to the “Hire” tab and select the job you want to access “Q&A” for.
  2. Click on “Job Post” tab.
  3. Scroll down to access the Job Q&A section.

We encourage all Employers to use the Q&A feature to provide relevant information to Freelancers. However,

  1. Don’t make any derogatory or sarcastic remarks.
  2. Don’t share links that encourage direct hiring.
  3. Don’t share your contact information.

Comments that don’t follow the guidelines will be edited or removed. A notification is sent when your first comment is removed. Failure to comply with guidelines three times would forfeit your ability to post comments.


  • We reserve the right to bypass warnings and limit/disable your access to Job Q&A at any time.

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