How Guru Works for Freelancers
Find freelance jobs online and get paid using our secure, flexible and cost-effective platform.
Sign Up
Create your Freelancer profile easily.

Join our community - it's free!
Sign up to join the website and verify your details in a single step. Get Started
Build your profile
Describe the services you offer, showcase your portfolios and include other details that will make your profile stand out from the crowd.
- Attract potential Employers by creating a strong profile and boost your chances of getting hired. The more keyword-rich services and portfolios you have, the better.
- Discover the exclusive benefits of a Paid Membership, including more bids, discounted job fees, search boost and more!
Find the Right Job for You
We make it easy to identify and apply for the jobs that match your skills and services.

View current job listings
Browse all freelance jobs online or get recommendations based on your skills with Top Match and Good Match jobs.
Submit quotes
Choose from our four Payment terms and share your understanding of the scope of work. Your completed profile will do the rest of the work in showcasing your ability to do the job.
Get hired
Discuss the Quote in detail with the Employer and finalize the Agreement to start work.
- Establish a clear understanding with the Employer by sending a detailed Quote when you apply.
- Use the Watchlist to keep track of jobs that you've applied for on Guru. Consider following up after 24 hours if you haven't received a response to your Quote.
- Boost your Quote by sending Premium Quotes.
Manage the Work
Use WorkRooms to work efficiently, collaborate with team members, and communicate with Employers.

Build your team
Add team members to a job and assign roles to each individual.
Enhance productivity
Share files, communicate with your team and create invoices in a single place.
Keep track of progress
For hourly payments, use Time Tracker to track the time spent and create invoices.
Get Paid
Get paid for the work you do in a timely manner through our secure payment system.

Use SafePay
Ensure your work is funded by asking the Employer to fund SafePay with a minimum balance before starting the job.
Opt for AutoPay
Choose AutoPay to ensure that you will receive automatic payments after completing work for your freelance jobs online.
Use your preferred payment withdrawal method
Choose from four secure payment options: PayPal, Payoneer, wire transfer or Direct Deposit (U.S. only).
- We recommend the use of SafePay especially when you are working with an Employer for the first time.
- Depending on the Payment terms and your Membership level, you can reduce your job fee to zero!