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An Employee Database with Meeting Notes

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  Send before: August 25, 2024

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I would like an Employee Database, similar to what is available at this website: 

Employee Database Template | Infinity (


1. Employee datatbase consisting of name, photo, address, email, phone, position, hire date, with ability to add notes on each employee. 

2. Employee photos - ability to keep previous employee photo and update the new photo and display any historical photos with the time and date they were uploaded. When you click on the employees profile, you will see a bigger version of the thumbnail photo. 

3. Employee Notes - a note log available when you drill down on the employee profile, to keep records of meetings, conversations, etc. Who was present, what was said, the date the meeting took place, whether it was face to face, zoom, other virtual, etc. It should have a few drop-down menus to select the proper category of note and should make a timestamp and the name of the person who made the note. This note section should be available for each employee. 

4. Employee Digital Files - the ability to upload files to the persons profile, such as records, employment cards, authorizations, etc. Should be able to accept photos (jpg, tif, png), word DOC and PDF. 

4. Search - ability to search for an employee by name - last name or first name or employee ID.

5. Grouping - the ability to group employees by department.

6. Mass Email - The ability to send a mass email to the group and retain a copy of the email sent in a section called Historical Emails, which lists the title, content of the email, who sent it and the date and time. 

7. Family Group - the ability to add multiple family members as contacts and even link them in the database so that you would for example, see that John Doe is married to Jane Doe and has a son named Jason Doe working at the company as well. 

8. The ability to change an employee from active to inactive. 

9. Permission levels - 1. SuperAdmin, Admin, Superuser and User. Each with ability to process certain things. For example, superadmin can do anything, user can only view their own data. Superuser can view anybody's data but not modify it. Admin can modify data but not delete. Only Superadmin can delete data and add new categories to the database. 

10. User login creation by the administrators or superadmin. Ability to send an activation link and sign-in details to any users. 

11. Temporary password sent by admin, then must be reset by the user upon first login. 

12. Ability to export employee profile to PRINT, PDF or DOC. 

13. Ability to export Employee Notes to PRINT, PDF or DOC. 


A system that allows you to create, modify and keep records of meetings that took place with the company that would have the following requirements. 

1. Title of meeting, date took place, attendees. 

2. List of topics discussed, and any notes related to those topics. 

3. Ability to email the meeting notes to anybody in the employee database by selecting employee names, departments or family groups and adding them to an email list and then clicking SEND to have it send to their email. 

4. Keep a record of any meeting notes sent to the groups, a date, timestamp, who sent the email, what was sent and who was it sent to.

5. Ability to attach documents (PDF, DOC) to the meeting notes pages.

6. Ability to type notes into the meeting notes in Rich Text Format. 

7. Ability to export meeting notes to PDF or DOC. 


1. Ability for Superadmin or Admin to create new user accounts. 

2. Ability for Superadmin or Admin to ban or freeze users on the system. 

3. Activity Log - a basic activity log that can display who logged in, what time, what actions they performed in their session (did they create a profile, did they edit something, etc.). Viewable only by Superadmin. 


1. Development using PHP/LARAVEL with MYSQL database. 

2. Use any modern UI available that has a modern look. 

3. I can provide templates, if needed, but overall, any generic employee database should have the features that I need. I am open to any existing solution. Maybe something existing, with slight modifications. 

4. Does not have to be a custom solution. Again, it does not need to be custom. The only thing i ask is that it is not just a Wordpress template. I would much rather the solution be tailored specifically for human resources and employee management. 

5. Number of users that will be accessing the system - very small - Approximately 15 at any given time. No large scale development required. 

Thank you for your quote. 

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Johnny M United States