Posted 23 Days Ago Job ID: 2089174 11 quotes received

Assess Microsoft 365 Business Account

Fixed PriceUnder $250
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  Send before: July 20, 2024

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Programming & Development Programming & Software

We hired an IT company to set up our Microsoft account for us. Though told this would be a problem, they proceeded to stack the business accounts over identical personal accounts. This created a big problem with permissions and access. We are still trying to resolve these issues and at this point try to understand why some accounts do not have access to the SharePoint folders and secondly, some overall advice about how to set up the emails for our team. Way too many shared inboxes were created and they are too much to manage. We want to simplify everything down to the most essential components and use one or two shared inboxes to manage the office and sales. A lot of bigger companies have something similar set up but we cannot seem to manage this issue. I have some concerns about deleting accounts without transferring to archive or knowing how things are created. One group has 49 members but there are only 7 people here. Do you think you can coach us on how to export the information and you can review and advise? 

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James D United States