Posted 1 Days Ago Job ID: 2095878 57 quotes received

Business Owner

HourlyNo rate specified10-30 hrs/wk1-4 weeks
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  Send before: November 17, 2024

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Programming & Development Programming & Software

We require data to be entered which allows us to create a daily P&L for three different production sites.

At the moment I have a master sheet which I call the "site summary" and is attached. Production staff fill in the line 1 production sheet this captures the site production costs, the final "value of run less expenses"is entered into the "site summary" sheet, this covers other fixed and variable costs, what is left over is the daily "profit".

The daily production sheets draw date from our ERP system which is periodically uploaded to the daily production sheets.

This is very manual and tedious I would like to automate this process.

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Colin . Australia