Posted 21 Days Ago Job ID: 2088506 13 quotes received

Click-Through Prototype

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  Send before: July 08, 2024

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Programming & Development Web Development & Design

My co-founder and I are developing an innovative Django web app, and we're looking to create a compelling visual representation of how it will work for users. Although the full development of Ledgifier will take several months, we want to start introducing the product idea through a high-quality click-through prototype. The design is very important to us, so it should look real and production-ready, preferably built in something like Figma, where we can generate HTML, CSS, and JS down the road when it comes time to actually build this application. The final output should be a web-based clickthrough prototype, not a slide deck or video. NO BACKEND WORK IS REQUIRED. We just want a mouse to be able to click hotspots and make it look real.

We need a click-through prototype that shows the following workflow:

1. User Login and Dashboard Access:

   - User logs into the platform.

   - User accesses the main dashboard, which displays three columns: All Contracts, Deployed Contracts, and Undeployed Contracts. The user can filter and view their smart contracts based on these categories.

   - The dashboard also provides an overview of key metrics and alerts related to the user's smart contracts.

2. Contract-Level Metrics and Notifications:

   - When a user clicks into a Deployed Contract, they are taken to a detailed view of that specific contract.

   - At the top of the detailed contract page, there are three tabs:

     1. Basic Information: Displays general information about the contract.

     2. Metrics: Shows contract-level graphs and charts related to gas usage, transaction history, and other relevant data.

     3. Notifications: Lists all notifications related to the contract, such as important updates and alerts.

3. Contract Generator Navigation:

   - User navigates to the Contract Generator page by clicking "Contract Generator" from the left navbar, which includes Dashboard, Contract Generator, and Marketplace.

4. Contract Creation Options:

   - User creates a new contract using either a template or by converting plain English to Solidity code.

   - The prototype will demonstrate the English to Solidity conversion with an input field on the left for the English contract terms and an empty field on the right for the outputted Solidity code.

   - To the right of the output field, there should be three dropdowns:

     1. Framework Selector: Options for Truffle, HyperLedger, and HardHat.

     2. Security Vulnerability Services Selector: Options for Mythril, Echidna, and Slither.

     3. Blockchain and Network Selector: Options for various blockchains and their specific networks.

   - User selects options from these dropdowns.

5. Progress Bars for Contract Generation:

   - After the user inputs the English contract terms and selects options from the dropdowns, they are brought to a series of progress bars:

     1. Conversion to Solidity: Progress bar depicting the English being converted to Solidity through the Ledgifier Proprietary Local Language Model.

     2. AI Carousel Optimization: Circular progress bar showing the AI Carousel working to optimize the Solidity code.

     3. Framework Processing: Progress bar for the selected framework (e.g., HardHat) processing the contract.

     4. Security Analysis: Progress bar for the selected security tool (e.g., Mythril) analyzing the contract.

6. Final Solidity Code:

   - Once all progress bars are complete, the user is brought back to the contract generator view, where the outputted Solidity code is now displayed in the previously empty field.

7. Framework and Security Tool Selection:

   - User selects the desired framework for the contract (e.g., HardHat, HyperLedger).

   - User chooses security tools for contract analysis (e.g., Mythril, Slither, Echidna).

   - Progress bars are displayed for each selected service during contract generation.

8. Blockchain and Network Selection:

   - User selects the target blockchain and network for deployment (e.g., Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot).

   - User connects their blockchain wallet (e.g., MetaMask, Trust Wallet) for seamless contract deployment and interaction.

9. Contract Deployment and Etherscan Dashboard:

   - User deploys the contract to the selected blockchain.

   - Contract reaches the ledger.

   - User views the Etherscan-based dashboard with graphs and charts showing detailed analytics, including gas usage, transaction history, and other relevant metrics.

10. Email Notifications and Real-Time Updates:

   - The platform automatically sends email notifications to all relevant parties with links to the contract on integrated blockchain explorers.

   - Real-time email notifications for important events related to deployed contracts.

11. Comprehensive Reporting:

   - The platform generates comprehensive reports on smart contract usage, performance metrics, and historical data, which are accessible through the detailed contract view.

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Michael N United States