Posted 76 Days Ago Job ID: 2086579 8 quotes received

Crowd Funding /Sourcing Expert ASAP

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  Send before: August 21, 2024

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Crowd Funding/Sourcing Help by Expert Needed ASAP.

We have 2 online platforms.  We are an "All In One" Dog & Cat Resource, like Tinder/Yelp ~ but most important we have Beta tested our a 24/7 toll free "K-911 Hotline" that without any Marketing/Branding has received overwhelming # of calls to date, and are confident that the demand exceeds our ability to supply and as such are now looking to raise funding to support the overhead to operate a full 'live operator' Resource Center/Call Center available to the pet public to report any Dog/Cat in a life-threatening, suffering condition.  
Currently we are unpaid volunteers.  Too successful to continue operating like this & need operational funding to hire paid staff.  To date we have coordinated 18,000+ "Saves" nationwide, so we are a proven entity and need funding to grow and continue to provide 'top drawer' Service to the caring pet public.   Our video and Service should resonate on a crowdfunding platform.  Need professional help to maximize branding this investment/financial giving opp.

Can you help?   Text me at 8182704950, or reply here, but so busy often forget to check this platform.  Thanks if you help asap.  Bev

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Bev G United States