Posted 129 Days Ago Job ID: 2097438 23 quotes received

Custom Calendar Designer to Develop

Fixed Price W9 Required for U.S.
Quotes (23)  ·  Premium Quotes (1)  ·  Invited (0)  ·  Hired (0)

  Send before: April 22, 2025

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Design & Art Graphic & Layout Design

We require several different types of calendars to be custom designed in a variety of formats.



CUSTOM DESIGN means that no templates will be used.


In the past, we hired freelancers who discovered they could not utilize templates. Consequently, they attempted to do this with templates, but eventually admitted that it was customized to how we desired it to be arranged and displayed. In other words, if the freelancers had succeeded, this would not be reposted.


Please do not bid if you require us to go to third party stock photo websites for stock photos and find our own and send them to you. If that is one of your requirements, please do not bid.




For consideration, we are hiring an “individualNOT a company that can produce "custom" calendars.


As a result of the nature of this work, there may be many “individual” applicants, many of whom will submit their bids for the job. The candidate selected from among the many applicants must be one who is creative when designing custom calendars.


It should be noted that these are "Custom" calendars. To one ensure the person not only creative with their custom design.


You must include with submit your bid include the following information:


1) Please tell us what do you suggest we may be able to provide for our calendars that will encourage people to purchase them over getting a FREE standardized simple calendar from a company where they wish to pay for to display of our calendars over the free calendars.


2) You must submit PDF file “custom” calendars that you design and develop for our review.


3) What type of calendars that you can produce and the cost? 



Reminder this job is to produce “Calendars”

Do not submit your logo designs, brochures, pamphlets, or other graphic works for us to view, since this is not the responsibility of the hired individual.  

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