Posted 6 Hours Ago Job ID: 2090736 5 quotes received

Cyber Security & Ethical hacking expert

Hourly$10 - $6010-30 hrs/wk1-5 days
Quotes (5)  ·  Premium Quotes (0)  ·  Invited (181)  ·  Hired (0)

  Send before: July 28, 2024

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Hi, I'm looking to hire a cyber security/ethical hacking expert to identify devices being used to access all elements of my online and connected life.

Since 25/2/23 the smart TV, mobile, laptop and tablet have had their sound frequency adjusted often to very uncomfortable levels so they sound distorted and hollow.

Since 16/5/23 the motability cars' handling and ride have been modified remotely so the car is wallowy, wayward and remote. Dealer resets haven't worked.I'm virtually certain of who is responsible but reports made many times haven't stopped them.

A recent analysis of my broadband network showed that it's receiving daily ddos and other attacks. IP addresses are provided and help is needed to trace the source of these.I'd like freelancer to identify the devices being used to access all my devices me and if possible deactivate them.I'd also ask that they secure every element of my online/networked life so the attacks can't continue.

Please note that I'm disabled with severe sensory PTSD, agoraphobia and psychogenic hyperventilation.These unrelenting invasions compound the disabilities. None of the attacks are exaggerated or imagined. Despite having no physical access to the devices and never having had, the attacker can and does still control all devices that I use.

I'd ask that before beginning the project and throughout a freelancer has regular zoom video or phone calls to discuss the project in more detail and provide progress reports.It would be good to go through the project further in a call if possible and to discuss hourly rates and time needed.

Yours sincerely and many thanks,

Josh Ross

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Joshua R United Kingdom