Posted 6 Days Ago Job ID: 2090431 69 quotes received

Develop Commerce WEbsite

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  Send before: August 12, 2024

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Programming & Development Web Development & Design

I'm a writer of 12 books that have literary merit and I have the domain name: 

I want to sell my books and have people be able to read excerpts 

from the books that I have written, not in a pdf manner, but in a manner

that simulates turning the pages of a book.  I had that done before, and it 

was great.  I also wrote a book on The Tao, The Book of Life, with 

a world renown Taoist master, and want to sell my ten lessons on it and life coaching.   I also want to use 

the site for: Peace (the novel) to be collaboratively written online.  

I have the intro video for it.   People can send in their ideas for 

plot, themes, sub-themes,  major and minor characters, setting, 

various climaxes and resolutions, etc. as it will be an ongoing novel 

based upon the premise that peace is the flowering of human 

potential and the expansion of human consciousness while at the 

same time systematically solving our world crises.  What else? 

I want the site to be a great site, like most of your customers want, 

but I will be advertising this website on a billboard in NY or LA

every month, so I'll allow you to put your name at the bottom of it

if you do a great job.   People will also be informed about a Revolution 

of the Human Spirit that can dawn during the 21st century where we 

split the atom of human potential. Thanks!  Good luck!

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Kevin M United States