Posted 3 Days Ago Job ID: 2103790 149 quotes received

Develop webpage for business

Fixed Price$1k-$2.5k
Quotes (149)  ·  Premium Quotes (12)  ·  Invited (0)  ·  Hired (0)

  Send before: April 24, 2025

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Programming & Development Web Development & Design

Our company Bountiful Assurance needs it's website updated. We would like a new, updated, and more modern looking version of the website. is the existing website. We would like it to have a modern feel. A good example would be the following website:

We'll be changing a lot of the contents such as the board, what products/services are offered, and adding a single questionnaire to one of the pages. We would like to add a scrolling client testimonials sections at the bottom as well.

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Jack B United States