Posted 5 Days Ago Job ID: 2090127 47 quotes received

Developer Needed for Location-Based App

Fixed PriceUnder $250
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  Send before: August 06, 2024

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Job Title:

Mobile App Developer Needed for Location-Based Community Center Finder App

Job Description:

We are looking for an experienced mobile app developer to work with our developed wireframe for a user-friendly app designed to help users find a specific community centers near them. The app will function similarly to GasBuddy, which provides essential location information of nearby gas stations.


  • Develop a mobile app for iOS/ Android platforms
    • Design intuitive user interfaces and user experiences 
    • Create a user-friendly search and filter system for centers 
    • Develop features for center details
    • Implement user account features with profile management
    • Ensure app performance and security
  • Create "Splash" screen using our wireframe as a reference. 
      • Create "Home" screen displaying buttons for "Locator" screen and "Sign Up" screen
  • Add Center Locator button that takes users to "Locator" screen, which displays Filter to sort nearest to farthest community center distance from user’s GEOLocator data. Include user indicators for distance, address, and fields where signed in users can write about parking rating and timing for the daily events of each specific center
  • Add Sign Up button that takes users to the "Sign Up" screen which displays a field where users can input their named, address, and password to create a profile and lets them log into account on app
  • Add section for Help Center, FAQ, Contact Support, and Privacy Policy that can connect to website links for where this information can be easily found

Key Features:

1. Splash Screen:

  • Display app logo and name

2. Home Screen:

  • Button in top center to access the "Center Locator" screen
  • Three icon buttons at the bottom to switch between "Home," "Center Locator," and "Center Sign Up"

3. Center Locator Screen:

  • Filter in top center to sort centers by distance from the user's location
  • When user clicks on "Sort By Distance," display a list of center cards in order from nearest to farthest
  • Center Card Information:
    • Center Name
    • Distance from user’s location
    • Address
    • Event Time
    • Parking Rating (color-coded for busyness level)

4. Center Detail Screen:

  • When user clicks on a center name, display:
    • Distance from user
    • Address with a link to directions
    • Input options for parking rating and event times for signed-up users

5. Center Sign Up Screen:

  • Sign-in page for users to create a profile
    • Create your free account: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Password
  • Description of the app's goal
  • Footer links for FAQ, Contact Support, Privacy Policy & Terms, and Help Center
  • User feedback form with rating and comments
  • Login form for existing users


  • Proven experience in mobile app development for iOS and/or Android
  • Strong proficiency in relevant programming languages (e.g., Swift, Kotlin, Java)
  • Experience with interactive maps and location services
  • Familiarity with creating and managing user accounts and profiles
  • Experience with push notifications and app security best practices
  • Strong UI/UX design skills
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to work collaboratively

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience with similar apps or location-based services
  • Knowledge of time-based crowd patterns and environments
  • Familiarity with user feedback and review systems

Application Instructions:

If you are interested in this project, please provide:

  • A brief description of your experience and relevant projects
  • Examples of previous mobile apps you have developed
  • An estimated timeline for project completion
  • Your proposed budget/time frame for this project


Please reach out with your proposal and any questions you may have. We look forward to working with you to bring this wonderful app for community to life!

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Duaa R United States