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Ecommerce app for shopping IOS & Android

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  Send before: April 08, 2025

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Ecommerce app for shopping in Iraq working on iOS & android mobiles smooth and fast and robust

coding using flutter with dart language support two languages English and Arabic (As a Default language)

Colors of the app from different shades of purple 

Splash screen contain logo and animated for first time open 

new user can login by mobile number with verification on SMS or WhatsApp or by google account

**No need a password for a user to log in

The logo at center and search icon with shopping bag at the top

Two sections men and women below the logo 

Provides gifts and ads and discounts and push notifications and can be controlled

Main page Contain:

Some examples and can be add / remove and edited later, each category have an image

  1. Top pics, new arrivals, offers, Exclusives
  2. Customized Categories Suits, sports (sketchers, puma ... etc.) kids, perfume brands, and home appliances 
  3. Jewelry and watches 
  4. Cosmetics Creams, lip sticks, makeup, beauty and skin care (Women Section)
  5. Shoes 
  6. Bags (Women Section)
  7. Accessories
  8. Life styles 

Lower bar countian Main Page, Brands and Categories and user profile 

User page contains:

  1. Profile name
  2. Wish list
  3. Your orders
  4. Your address
  5. (APP) Credit
  6. Language (EN and AR)
  7. Support
  8. About US
  9. Privacy policy
  10. Terms and conditions
  11. Follow (APP on social media)
  12. Log out

Status of order with Tracking order (Waiting for confirmation, preparing order

Payment method: 

  1. Cash on delivery 
  2. Credit cards with (local banks api) ex: FIB, Zain Cash Asia pay and QI Card
  3. visa and master

Product or Item page:

  1. Images at the top can be scroller left or right 
  2. Icons for adding to the wish list and another icon for sharing 
  3. Full name color brand 
  4. Buttons of different sizes (S, M, L … etc.) or for shoes (40 41 42 …etc.) or perfumes sizes ml
  5. Different Colors pictures for same items can be tabbed (depend on availability) 
  6. In case of size sold out put it gray color not clickable 
  7. Price 
  8. Incase of price discount cross out the old price with red line and shows the new price below and how percentage of price discount 
  9. Brand name
  10. Description
  11. Specifications (SKU, Style no)
  12. Similar items for you
  13. item

 Features for admin panel backend:

  • Adding and changing and deleting items
  • Phone number shows with the name and address of the shopper so can call for confirmation with client 
  • Zones for delivery fee
  • Push notifications unlimited for selected hours
  • Front end controlling 
  • Price discounts 
  • Availability of items
  • help center throw WhatsApp with ability to call a user if something went wrong

You can take advantage of already existing apps ex: (Boutiqaat, Lavender or any similar apps) it's very helpful to explain the idea in more detail

Open for suggestions in backend admin panel and for new ideas

privacy and security needed for anti-hacking with secure payment gateways

confidentiality is needed and non-disclosure agreement is necessary

capability to be upgraded and edited after finishing and publishing successful on both App Store and play store

Time frame would from 7 days -  20 days max for handoff

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Ramy H Iraq