We are looking for someone to design an email template with graphics for business soliciattion .
The template should show something like an upward trend in research and and an arrow falling for insurance reimbursements.
the Body should say :
Dear Doctor _________________
We are looking for strategic partners for our cinical research network.
* Physiicians can earn $200K to $500K+ per annum annually exclusive of Insurance/Medicare/Medicaid
* Better Serve their patients by providing alternatives to medication not covered by Insurance , or too expensive for the patient to follow treatement.
* Look to an alternative prior to changes taking place in 3rd party payors.
Please, response to the following questins:
1- Are you in solo practice or a principal in a group practice?
2- Number of people in your database ?
3- Are you available to dedicate 3-5 hours in your office per week ?
4- Do you have a key staff member available to be trained ?
5- Unemcumbered Medical License M.D. or D.O.
6- Board Certification in Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Gastroenteroly , OB/GYN
Will provide your
1- Training
2- Business Development
3- Contract Negotiations/ Budget Negotiations
4 - SOPs
5- FDA inspection readiness support
6- Proprietary software for IP ( invesitgational product) management.
Let's Schedule a quick 10 minute call Book time with Sylvia Lambourg: Clinical Research Partnership
I would want to embed the link.