Posted 23 Days Ago Job ID: 2089398 19 quotes received

ESP32 IoT monitoring & Control Devices

Fixed Price$500-$1k
Quotes (19)  ·  Premium Quotes (0)  ·  Invited (116)  ·  Hired (1)

  Send before: July 24, 2024

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Please read the comments carefully before you make a quote:


Terms & Conditions:

- Your bid is the FINAL offer and we will be selective on the budget and team’s background work, so please read the information below carefully.

- Please share some examples of your past work:

- Experiences and other IoT projects you’ve built before

- ESP32 and LoRa communication

- MQTT experiences

- Part of the work has been done (only to use the content and understanding of the project) that can support the developments. You can have a quick (8 minutes) introduction of the project here.

- You are required to sign’s NDA before you make your bid.

- Our own version of NDA is a MUST to start the job.

- We will pay ONLY when the project is finished and delivered with full satisfaction.

- If you have a team who can handle the Software/Web side of the project, that will be a PLUS. But no guarantee if we select you for that part as that is a separate project.


Scope of Work:

Freelance Company agrees to provide development services for the development of the full IoT Hardware development and integration into the platform, following the brief project details: The services shall include but are not limited to a flexible ESP32 IoT monitoring & Control Device, MQTT, AWS, LoRaWan, GPS & GSM development, as specified in the project requirements provided.

The project combines a data logger device and a sensor device to collect and transfer data to a platform for transceiver communication to both monitor and control the system. Here's a simplified breakdown:


- Data Logger: Collects data from various sensors.

- Communication: Uses GSM or WiFi to send data to the platform and can also connect to a PC through USB-C for debugging and controlling the device and LoRa communication to communicate to other devices and GPS.

- MQTT Protocol: Facilitates secure communication, ensuring that only authorized LoRaWAN devices can connect. Data will be delivered to the web development team at the API level.


Sensor and Actuator device/s: Includes multiple sensors and actuators that monitor and control different parameters, both manually or automatically, defined on both platform dashboard on hardware.

LoRaWAN Communication: Ensures secure data transfer between sensors and the data logger using LoRa communication. The system can communicate with PLC Logo 8 or similar devices in that category.

Automatic Configuration: The device automatically recognizes and configures other devices when they connect to the data logger or when they are close by range.


Key Features:

- Device Control Solution: ESP32

- Application: Air Quality Monitoring and Control via AWS/suggest

- Communication: LoRa, Modbus TCP IP (Wi-Fi using ESP32)


Key Components:

- Integration of multiple sensors (PM1.0, 2.5, 10, NOx, VOC, H2, temp, humidity, ultrasonic water level, CO2, pH, air flow, ultrasonic water flow meter x2, Power consumption meter (Siemens) etc.)

- Integration of relays (8 channels) and actuators (water valve x2, pump control (high power switch))

- Integration of Solar Power Manager with Battery Pack and Solar Panel

- Integration with Nextion/suggested Display with customizable graphics

- PCB Design with Gerber File (Used software with the choice of the Freelancer but agreed with in advance)


Desired Features:

- Efficient Wireless Communication (LoRaWAN network and MQTT)

- RS485, ModBus, USB C Communication Protocol

- Smart Power and Backup System

- Real-time Data Monitoring with Display

- Over-the-Air Programming

- Plug and Play Sensors

- Solenoid Controls

- Data Security


- User Authentication: The design should incorporate a seamless user authentication system to ensure quick and easy access to the platform.

- Real-Time Data Updates: It's crucial to have a system in place that can handle real-time data updates, to provide accurate monitoring and control data consistently.

- IoT Dashboard: A central focus of this project is the IoT dashboard, which should primarily serve a monitoring and control function and can communicate with the hardware seamlessly.


Safety and Security:

- Data Encryption: Proper data encryption techniques should be applied to secure any sensitive data, and since the project is the hardware part of the development of the monitoring and control system, at certain points of the task, The Freelance Company will need to work closely with the Web team to integrate the Web-based Dashboard with the Electronic Hardware System. Any other related tasks necessary for the completion of the full project contest with details on [ESP32 IoT monitoring & Control Device, MQTT, AWS, LoRaWan, GPS & GSM].

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Morteza G Denmark