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Fictional Ghostwriting/Editing

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  Send before: September 30, 2024

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It's been a decade since I've had the courage to reach out to an expert since my initial editor-ghostwriter switched to fulltime boat detailing. Three more ghostwriters and five more editors, all proved mediocre, inattentive to detail, or uncaring about my vision. 

I have been working on improving my writing skills for a full decade, trying to fill my editor's impossible to fill shoes, but I'm just not generating the type of excitement that I would like to generate with my style, tone, and voice. I am looking for a creative soul, a ghostwriter, a content writer, who will take my dull vision and make it shine. It is my dream to break into traditional publishing market, but I don't have enough skill to achieve this on my own. And, frankly, it's not that easy to get there with a mixed speculative genre of mythology, paranormal, supernatural, horror, magic, with just a twinge of romance rated mature YA. But I've been developing this project, consisting of three novels, plus a bare-boned spinoff-novella, since I was in middle school - that's a whopping 30+ years, and I would be disappointed in myself if I didn't see this story through to the finish. 

What this gig requires:

*Obviously love and experience in writing fiction, creating worlds and characters

*Ability to take the foundation that's already there and build it up (as opposed to tear it down) in a way that will attract audience of the mixed genre

*Good back and forth communication to assure synchronous collaboration

*In addition to creative writing, solid base-level editing skills are a must

Preferred but not required:

*Basic knowledge of practical magic (It is easy to research - I, for one, borrow inspiration from Silver Ravenwolf's Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows guide)

*Familiarity with Greek Mythology (base-level) doesn't hurt either 

The story in a nutshell:

Book 1/Generation 1: Kevin is a typical teenager in his Senior year of high school completely unaware of his mother's background in the occult. By the time he discovers Lydia's shadowed past, it is too late, and he becomes entangled in a conflict that spans millennia against his will. But his situation is not completely hopeless as his battle of the century is joined by a power clan of magicians, a scientist with a clever invention, and mystical creatures the likes he thought only existed in the RPG's he played till the brink of dawn. Through his ordeal, Kevin discovers the hidden branches in his family tree - a knowledge that changes his life forever.

Book 2/Transition to Generation 2: Kevin has been married for several decades. At this time, he is a successful entrepreneur, living a life of plenty, in a pleasant upper-class suburbia. Everything would be perfect, if only his daughter wasn't such a rebel. Talira (AKA Fiona), on a hunch, begins to dig into a past her parents had gone through impossible lengths to conceal from her, a past that begins to haunt Talira's dreams. In her quest for the truth, she meets an unlikely ally, beginning the unraveling of a dark prophecy she has yet to become aware of.

Book 3/Generation 2: Continues the story of Talira/Fiona, of her coming into full awareness of her dark inheritance, the beginning of the end of the prophecy that begins to unravel in Book 2. Fiona suffers unimaginable pain and loss in a never-ending downward spiral, a spiral that takes her on an impossible mission into the mouth of Hell to end the conflict that had entangled her father in Book 1 once and for all - but will she succeed or be consumed by darkness awaiting her arrival beyond the threshold? 

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Angela K United States