Thank you for your interest. This project has a 305.00 USD budget. minus Guru & safepay fee's.
Using the two 3D models provided in Auto Desk . FBX Blender & one .3DS files, as per grey box
(a 70$ USD value at sale prices off turboSquid)
To recieve this job you would agree to create 6 -7 nice composition images.
Each 3/4view , common sun overhead, showing effective shadows. Stark dark-color line 50% screen pixel art Transparent Art on layer over blank white background preferred. .PNG Files
6 images each on separate Pages .PNG Files 333 DPI 2Meg
also Save .OBJ file of 3D Models in position of each delivered image.
The client will give you swift & efficient guidance to questions you clearly message.
A basic image is (or will be provided soon) as a theme guide for all 6 images. See attached .pdf
This is part of a larger project going on now and more work could follow.
Please indicate if you wish to have some these jobs.