Posted 25 Days Ago Job ID: 2089297 8 quotes received

Map Month Service Schedule

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  Send before: July 22, 2024

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Programming & Development Programming & Software

i would like to have a program that i can see customers in a specific location, that are due to have service by month, that i can send out a text/email that it's time to schedule service. Have it automatically adjust the next date of service,  and allow customers to sign up on the date/ time available- some additional "wants"

auto populate 5 months out for next inspection 
hover over location, pop up shows both inspection months
text people in specific location a specific week date times, schedule themselves
can only be visible by the customer it goes to/ can't see other customer names - 
When the space is filled, it disappears from the screen/ example Monday only has 2) 8 - 12 slots left
run report by location and tag: Summer/Winter/ Spring/ Fall/ Filters/ Drains?
cusomte Tagged a different color for months inspection. expiration month  populates too? RED color for people that CANT be moved from the month they want!!!
customer picks date/time A. a report is sent to or is the job scheduled?
date is booked, computer automatically populates a date 5 months out , UNLESS it's the 2nd inspection 

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Laurie J United States