I need a web app made. The WebApp is a medical webapp. Here is the work flow : The patient will have nfc card. When he scans the nfc card it takes to the patient profile . Before going to the patient profile it shows option patient/doctor. In the patient profile it will have details like name, age,sex, ethnicity etc. under there will be 2 button: FOOD ALLERGY , disease and Reports. Inside food allergies it will mention the patients allergy in plain text. In Reports there will be list of report files of that patient. And in disease there will be list of diseases the patient has. In each disease there will be other details like appointment date, doctor, severity etc. When a patient hands over this nfc card to the doctor he can edit these details by entering the pass for doctors. This is the whole flow of the WebApp. Now we are wondering if webapp can scan nfc. Or we beed to create an app to scan the nfc card and then redirect to the webapp according to that patients profile.