*UPDATE* - This is a one time setup for the timer. Many of the quotes think that I need to control the Bluetooth connection to mSec accuracy. This is not the case at all, sorry that I wasn't clear on this. The timer is not even running when it is setup The on-time and off-time for the zones are entered in the app to mSec precision, and then transmitted one time to the timer where they are stored. Once the app is disconnected from the app, the timer runs using the times programmed. There is no need for the BT connection when the timer is running. There are only 2 screens for the app, one is shown in the attached screen shot.
A simple app is needed to program a timer. This timer has 8 to 64 outputs or "Zones" (depending on hardware model) that need to be programmed when timer is installed. Each zone has an On Time and Off time to be programmed. The times are max of 24 hours, and programmed to the mSec. The data is sent via BLE connection to the timer.
There is a test mode where any particular zone can be turned on or off from the app by sending a Bluetooth command.
There is a "Disable" button that just changes times to 0 hrs, 0 mins, 0 secs, and 0 mSecs.
The status of the BT connection is shown on the screen along with buttons to connect and disconnect.
All 8 to 64 zones are accessed by clicking the forward and backward arrows.
The is another box that holds the total time of all the zones.
There will probably be a couple other things of this nature added, but for reference it took about 8 hours to learn App Inventor and create the current app which we have been using to test the hardware.
Unfortunately, App Inventor doesn't currently support BLE for iPhones.
We would like the app we have now re-written in an open source development environment that supports both Android and iPhone. It seems like Flutter is a good choice, but we are open to others.
I addition to writing this app, we would like assistance in the installation of the development software on our computer so we can make minor changes and maintain the app going forward.
This app will be used by professional installers and so it doesn't have to be fancy at all. See attached screen shots of current app.
This can be an hourly job or fixed fee job. Please reply with amount for whole job or hourly rate and estimated time required. Please share how many App you have completed in the environment you suggest. If possible, please send a few screen shots of a couple of your apps.