Posted 12 Days Ago Job ID: 2098327 40 quotes received

Mods to WordPress Recipe Maker Plugin

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  Send before: January 04, 2025

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Programming & Development Web Development & Design

I have installed WPRM and need some modifucations to it and minor minor UI changes. WordPress expert is a MUST, the last person was not familiar with it and kept trying to add plug-ins for basic WP integrated things (e.g. Category Filter).  I have the nav bar and 3 custom pages set up already, those being Recipes, Reviews, Pantry and Blog. Each one loads the WP Posts I made based on the Category I assign to it.  The basic UI mod would be to standardize the look and layout of the results and category filter. 1/2 days work tops for a good WP Coder even with customizations from me we can discuss.

Main Tasks:  WPRM includes an Add Equipment Section in their recipe posts wherein I add name and amazon url (I am an Amazon Associate) and they store that in a taxonomy so I can add existing items to new recipes.    We need to add two field to this taxonomy:

  1. ReviewID to update if/when I add a review.
  2. Type

 I need to use that for main tasks:

  1. On the Reviews Page, which will load posts I assign to Reviews Category, I need to be able to either select from that taxonomy or add to it.  This will allow us to :

    1. When I make a WP Post and assign it to the Review Category I want to be able to either select from the existing equipment taxonomy (the Equipment Name|URL) or add a new one to it. When I save the Post/Review it will uipdate the taxonomy with the postid

    2. add a Buy Now button to the review on the Review Page which will hyperlink the equipment url.

    3. Any equipment I add or select in any recipe I make shows up in the recipe in a list under ‘Equipment’.  If that equipmentid has a reviewed (i.e. non-null field) it will then display ‘See my review!’ with hyperlink to that URL.

    4. The Pantry page I have loads noting now since no category assigned to it. I want this one to load from the equipment taxonomy (Name, URL). I want to be able to filter by Type (the field we added in taxonomy).

WPRM already integrates to the Amazon API so they can pull pics so ideally on Revirews/Pantry that will work too (or if simpler with a plug-in)

Additional two tasks involve expanding the Add Instructions which allows you to either Add Group    
Group is just a title in Bold 

Prepare the Meat  

or Add Instruction: 
which adds ordered list until the next group: 

Prepare the Meat

  1. Marinate
  2. Brown
  3. Chop

Make the Potatoes

  1. Cut
  2. Boil

Basic stuff. I need to add two options added:

  1. Checkbox for ‘Optional’. If this is checked the item (or group) will display with option for user to hide:
     Optional: Marinate the Meat (Remove Option)
     and if user ‘Removes’
     Optional: Marinate the Meat (Show Option)
  2. Add Branch (and end branch)If this is checked then every group underneath it (until End Branch) will display as either/or:


        Dehydrator (Oven| Air-Dry)

          1. Set Dehydrator to 104 degrees

          2. Insert trays

          3. Leave on for 12 hours
And if user clicks on optional branch  that displays instead:


          Oven (Dehydrator| Air-Dry)

             1. Set Oven to 150 degrees

             2. Close Oven and leave on for 4 hours


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Michael S United States