I need a drawing or animation of my photo. I have a photo of my family's restaurant that I would like to turn into a commemorative poster. The photo is of the exterior of the restaurant and it is from 2 angles. I would also like to incorporate drawings or animation (Photoanimation) of my family members who worked at the restaurant. I want the drawings/animated faces to strongly resemble the photo, but don't have to be an exact match; just a good resemblance. The bodies of each just need to look like a person's body, clothed in clothing from the 1990s per se; the photo is from the late 1990s, early 2000 (we'll work on that). I want a couple of cars out front (if there is room in incorporate that). If all goes well, the poster should have the ability to be enlarged to a wall size or reduced to a postcard size. Take liberty to beautify the photo. Thanks.