Posted 12 Days Ago Job ID: 2089061 28 quotes received

Professional Studio Artist (Digital)

Fixed Price$1k-$2.5k
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  Send before: July 18, 2024

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Design & Art Painting (Digital / Traditional)

I own an art procurement and consulting business, and am seeking an artist with a diverse background and skillset to create original paintings for clients. Below is more information on mediums/styles/subject of interest, as well as how we work and our typical budget. 

If you are interested in working with me, please provide information on how you price your artwork, which mediums/styles/subjects you can work in, your typical timeline, and examples of your work.

Mediums of interest: painting on canvas, digital art, drawing, sculpture (pottery, wood, textile, metal, glass, etc.), mixed media

Styles of interest: Abstract (expressive, geometric and minimalist), Expressionism, Impressionism, Pop Art, Realism, Photorealism, Modernism

Subjects of interest: abstract, landscapes, figurative, animals, plants, still life

We work primarily with businesses who each have very specific and unique needs for their space, and so I am looking for a talented artist who can create artwork in a variety of styles and featuring a variety of subject matter from abstract to landscapes to figurative. The ideal candidate will be able to build a timeline for completion of the work, and meet those strict deadlines. The exact timeline for a project varies depending on the size and medium, but we aim to provide artwork as quickly as possible without compromising quality. Each project will require ideation around design, drafts for the client to review, and the final artwork itself. I will coordinate shipping, printing (if applicable), framing and delivery of the artwork.

We understand the value of artwork varies considerably depending on size, medium, and complexity of design.however our target budget for artists is as follows:

Small: (up to 19 inches): $120-300 USD per piece

Medium (up to 36 inches):  $300-720 USD per piece

Large (up to 60 inches): $720-1,500 USD per piece

Extra-Large (over 60 inches): $1,500-2,400 USD per piece

General Process for each Project:

  1. Initial briefing: we will go over the project details and put together a proposal for the client to review including timeline, budget and drafts/examples of work
  2. Deposit: of up to 20% of total fee will be paid to artist to begin work upon client approval of the project
  3. Draft Revisions: based on client feedback
  4. Work-In-Progres Review and Payment: Progress photos of the artwork sent to client for review and feedback.
  5. Final Review: Photos of artwork sent to client for final sign-off
  6. Final Payment: Final payment issued to artist after completion of the piece
  7. Shipping: I will work with the artist to arrange shipping/delivery of the artwork


- Spoken English

- Ability to create a timeline for artwork completion, and meet deadlines

- High quality artwork and diverse skillset

- Passion for art

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Jessica K United States