Posted 1 Days Ago Job ID: 2103438 9 quotes received

Recovering Google Disabled Account

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  Send before: April 19, 2025

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My Google account got banned by Google a couple of months ago. I've used this account all my life (over 15 years) and have never had an issue with Google. After being kicked out of my account, they gave me two appeals, which I used, but they didn't care and proceeded to disable my account.

I've tried everything and can't recover the account. I need someone who knows how to do it, someone from Google or someone else to help me recover my account. If, for some reason, the account can't be recovered, I will at least be able to download all the photos I had stored on Google Photo (more than 500 GB worth of photos).

You may ask how Google disabled my account. Well, I was making a backup of my late dad's computer and uploading his whole Hard Disk to my Google Drive. I'm guessing among those hundreds of thousands of files, some infringed Google's usage policy, and they proceeded to disable my account.

That's the job, recovering my Google Account.

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Juan M United States