I need a script for the booking services website with the business listed on the main site. The script should have these sections:
1. home page
- simple modern looking bootstrap template
- search engine for places
2. login page/registration panel page
- nothing special here - just basic normal registration + login pages for businesses to add listings
3. panel for business
- business info settings - name, address, category etc.
- the possibility of adding services—I think it would be best if there were the following service fields: service name/service description/service price/service duration/service calendar availability.
Example of script working
1. User comes to the site
2. User searches hairdressers in London and the listings of businesses that are in the category hairdresser appear
3. User chooses one business and clicks on it. It redirects them to this business listing.
4. On listing the user can choose one of the business services and then it redirects the user to booking.
5. On booking page, the user fill email/phone number and chooses one of the available date.
6. On submission user is getting email with reservation confirmation. The date of this service is not available for future reservations.