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Programming & Development Web Development & Design

We want to create a single-product e-commerce site that allows users to subscribe to a monthly service for organic growth on Instagram with real users.

We need to set up a shop on Shopify:

  • Graphic design selection

  • Logo creation

  • SEO-focused content creation

  • Creation of a landing page that describes the service with:

    • Title
    • Impactful teaser
    • Supporting images
    • Service description
    • Testimonials
    • FAQs
    • Call-to-action for subscribing to the monthly service
  • Cookie law compliance

  • Privacy policy page

  • Terms & conditions page

  • Service purchase page:

    • During the purchase process, the user must be informed that we need their Instagram username and password, and that OTP should not be enabled. Once these details are submitted via a dedicated page, the service will be activated within 48 hours.
  • User personal dashboard page:

    • View service statistics
    • Disclaimer
    • List of best practices to maximize the use of our service
  • User personal settings page:

    • Instagram account access credentials
    • Option to subscribe to multiple accounts for different Instagram accounts
  • User personal page for subscription cancellation

Purchase process: We need a subscription management system. Subscriptions are auto-renewed every month. For each new subscription, a specific email needs to be sent to the administrator. For each subscription cancellation, a specific email needs to be sent to the administrator.

Standard subscription process: Main Landing Page -> call-to-action add to cart -> click on go to cart -> proceed to payment -> payment successful -> page to enter Instagram credentials -> wait page for 48 hours for service activation

Ability to create discount coupons for subscriptions, either for the first month only or for lifetime subscription discounts.

Include an alert box at the top of the interface, taking up the full width of the website, to inform the user in case:

  • User is logged in with a paid subscription but has not entered their Instagram access credentials: (alert with link to enter Instagram credentials)

Enable automatic emails for abandoned carts Enable automatic emails to notify about expiring subscriptions Enable automatic emails one month after subscription cancellation, offering a discount if they re-subscribe with a specific coupon code.

- Set up of the affiliate marketing tools and referral code for promotions (Click banck, etc) 

Please specify the time frame for delivery 

unlimited reviews requested (just in case it's needed to refine so as to avoid overbilling)

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Gian K Italy