Posted 26 Days Ago Job ID: 2094603 21 quotes received

Stepper Motor via Python & Raspberry Pi

Hourly$5 - $251-10 hrs/wk6+ months
Quotes (21)  ·  Premium Quotes (1)  ·  Invited (3)  ·  Hired (1)

  Send before: October 23, 2024

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Engineering & Architecture Engineering (Mechanical / Chemical / Civil / Electrical)

Control Three stepper motors that drive three linear actuators using Python and Raspberry Pi or Arduino. Automate the process so that the linear actuators can run in a repeatable cycle. See below a high level list of tasks

  • Selection of stepper motors
  • Selection of controller: Pi vs Arduino or any other controller
  • Selection of programming language: Python vs C++ or any other language
  • List of all other parts needed
  • Detailed circuit diagram
  • Documentation and code
  • Optional: if you have access to a machine shop or a woodworking shop, I would also need a frame to mount the motors, actuators and the controllers

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Mridul J United States