My client is a well-known business identity in Australia and New Zealand.
He has produced a 35,000 word history of his business activities which, although comprehensive and factual, could do with some good sub editing to make it a more enjoyable read.
Working on the basis of approx. 250 words per page this would translate into a 140 page book. Add to this another 40+ pages of PDF documents (reports and newspaper clippings) plus photos and the final book will be around 200 pages.
The first half of the book is continuous with no chapter heads whilst the second half consists of comments on the various companies he owned and also the people he’d encountered or had dealings with over the years.
It is essential that as sub-editor you have a first rate knowledge of both spoken English and also English grammar.
If this is a project that potentially interests you can please provide an estimate of how much the task would cost (this can be a price range) and also details of any books you may have worked on.
If you are short-listed we’ll be happy to supply you with 15-20 pages of text so that you can refine your pricing. For obvious reasons we cannot release the whole text to any party, other than the person to whom the task is given.
The manuscript is now complete and we’d be looking for the task to be completed within 14 days (maximum) of the assignment being given.
Once the manuscript has been edited, designed and typeset we would then return for a final proof reading before being sent to the printers.
I look forward to your response and any questions you might have.