Posted 18 Hours Ago Job ID: 2103515 20 quotes received

Team lead to support staff via slack IRT

Fixed PriceUnder $250
Quotes (20)  ·  Premium Quotes (1)  ·  Invited (8)  ·  Hired (0)

  Send before: April 20, 2025

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Administrative & Secretarial Personal / Virtual Assistance

Team lead job that requires responding to staff queries on slack when they ask four hours a day
- issues will involve calendar changes in real time
- email follow ups of meetings that overrun
- queries about Vimeo
- checking in with them to make sure all is ok daily 

- checking one tho then with regard tkt heir weekly and month deadlines

We provide you with full support you just need to be a support and the best you can and take any urgent messages for me
- staff also have a ticket desk for “requests” which we’d like you to oversee/manage but they are pretty independent

Have to be on slack and check in once with each of 4 journalists between 11am eastern and 5pm eastern daily mon - fri

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Sam M United Kingdom