Looking for a HW and SW Engineer, which could develop a UV Meter based on ASM Osram AS7331 Chip and GENICOM GUVB-T11GD or GUVB-S31GD. Alternative woudl be the amplified GUVB-T21GH. Data from Sensor Head to MCU should be done via I2C Interface. AS7331 comes with a I2C Interface, for the Genicom Sensors, a ADC with I2C would be needed.
Sensor should be not part the MCU PCB, as there will be two Versions of Meter (integrated and extended via cable).
MCU should be STM32 or Infineon (in the worth case a ESP32).
Based on the data provided, MCU should calculate UVC, UVB, UVC and UV Index.
I am not sure if the OSRAM AS7331 can be used to calculate the UVI relation to the the D3 Synthes Curve (means not all the Data supplield are relevant). For UV Index, only a certain part of the supplied data of the UVB Sensor is used (see info of Datasheet of AMS Osram).
- On/off by Buttom
- Buttom to toggle between the different measurements (UVI/UVB and AS7331 UVA/B/C) or shown in one Display
- Temp. Storeing max. and avg. mesurement for this measurement (one Measurement is as long the unit is switched on, new measurement will start as soon it was switched off between)
- Auto Switch off, to save battery
- LCD Display
- Optional a Version with BT/BLE /WLan
- Firmware should be able to be updated via Wifi/BLE
- A posibility to calibrate the UNit/Sensor must be available, but not accessable for EndUser.
- For future extension a MicroSD Slot should integrated to save the measurement Data.
- Datalogger for different 'Lamps/Tests'. Name given by App User. Data collection can be interrupted and continued on another day to see the UVI progression over a period of 6 months, for example.
Pls provde an estimate and timeframe