Posted 4 Days Ago Job ID: 2090126 42 quotes received

Web Dev for Framer Website ASAP

HourlyMax $101-10 hrs/wk1-5 days
Quotes (42)  ·  Premium Quotes (1)  ·  Invited (1)  ·  Hired (1)

  Send before: August 07, 2024

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Need my framer portfolio animations and text cleaned up. I have a well formed base and I dont estimate that is site should take more than 10 hours to complete max. It is all simple stuff I just need the site to be cleaned up and make sure the pages work and are formatted corretly per device breakpoints. * I have the notes on the framer site. Send me a request and I will share framer site link with you.* Need this done ASAP. Thank you 

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Jeffrey H United States