Posted 19 Hours Ago Job ID: 2090634 9 quotes received

web page/ flashcard webpage web develop

Fixed PriceUnder $250
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  Send before: August 15, 2024

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Programming & Development Web Development & Design

hi this job pays 20$.


1 functioning web page on our server.


please see attached jpegs.

language learning flashcard web page with 4 sides per card

-arrow keyboard buttons / click to go forward and back to next cards

-arrow keyboard button/ click  to flip card onto all four sides back and forth


side 1 german question

side 2 english question

side 3 german answer

side 4 english answer



-attached text with microsoft word .doc with 120 questions and answers in columns



-many more milestones in future- sound- more text- flag cards- card display order etc.

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Fred R Canada