Posted 27 Days Ago Job ID: 2089145 12 quotes received

Website ETH NFT collection

Fixed Price$10k-$25k
Quotes (12)  ·  Premium Quotes (0)  ·  Invited (18)  ·  Hired (0)

  Send before: July 20, 2024

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Programming & Development Programming & Software

We need a dedicated site for our social network to highlight our NFT collection, utilizing Ethereum for minting and transactions.

Key features include:

- Responsive Design: Ensure the site is accessible and functional across all devices.

- Wallet-Based Whitelisting**: Develop a system allowing only whitelisted wallets to access specific features or content.

- Smart Contracts: Create and deploy smart contracts for minting, transferring, and querying NFTs on Ethereum, following ERC-721 or ERC-1155 standards.

- Metadata Generation: Implement a system to generate metadata from layered image files, ensuring unique combinations and randomization.

- Reveal Later Feature: Add a feature to reveal certain NFT details after minting.

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Andrew B Poland