Posted 47 Days Ago Job ID: 2087166 84 quotes received

Website for a drop shipping business

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  Send before: July 25, 2024

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Please read the brief carefully and Designer Critique is greatly appreciated. Complete, operational, custom web site for drop shipping business. Use whatever  language is best suited, we prefer word press (this allows us to do minor modifications inhouse- no programming expertise). Along with the web site, suggest name (search on net and proposed office locations), design logo and compose tagline. All copy by client. Topics covered: Vision, mission, contact, FAQ, terms & Conditions, Returns, Refunds, Shopping from a catalog, Live+Chatbot, order processing, confirmation, tracking, cancellation, payment processing, credit, debit, digital wallets, EFT, (No COD, No Checks)Shipping choices and info, Shopping cart, Days to delivery, Visitor, customer mailing list, Loyalty program, Social media accounts, FB, Whatsapp, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter. Email newletter banners (Relevant occasions, seasons). Digital marketing activities, SEO, Selection of categories and merchandise by Client. Bulk downloading of product files (including pics, videos, descriptions, prices, no sold, and reviews) from Walmart, Home Depot, Wayfair (for US primary market) Ali express for the secondary market. Automatic Ability to sync products, prices, availability, etc. frequently. Ability to post product and merchant reviews. Packing slip & shipping labels. Ability to carry min. 50,000 sku's in online catalog. Discounts: Visitor, first order, seasonal, Occasional (tied to things like mother's father's day, Christmas etc. up to 25 occasions/year. Variety of Gift Cards. There may be many more items that would have to included due to client request or designer suggestions.    

Primary Market US, Canada (may be shipped from China or USA) Secondary market UK, All of Europe, GCC. and 50 additional countries. Secondary market to ship from China only.  

Incorporated in Houston, Texas or Kansas City, Kansas. Site visitor statistics by country, daily, weekly, monthly. 

Typical Visitor/Buyer profile, age, Gender, Education, Urban/rural, Competition survey (typical Walmart buyer): Every product carried will have 3 grades good, better, best, and three price points Value, Premium & Luxury. Merchandising selection for each product & catagory shall be ready min 8 weeks before the peak selling season. Starting as Variety Store with slide toward niche marketing. Site Hosting: In US

Investigate costs of affiliation with Walmart, Home Depot, Wayfair, and Ali Express. Prepare comparison and cost of other connections like Ali Express, Shopify, Auto DS and the like). Need an app for Phone users. 

Payment shall be deposited to Escrow account at Site testing, mockup, debugging is going to be time consuming and may take up to or more than 30 days. Hold back of 20% shall be required. Completion period can be up 90 days. Site is unilingual English merchandise prices in US$. 

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