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woocommerce website

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  Send before: August 12, 2024

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Programming & Development Web Development & Design

We are looking to build an e-commerce website using WooCommerce that integrates with Square for payment processing and inventory management. Additionally, we want to implement a "Subscribe and Save" option for our products. The website should have a clean, minimalistic, and professional design that evokes a sense of trustworthiness and seriousness.

Project Requirements:

1. WordPress & WooCommerce Setup:

  • Hosting and Domain: We will provide the hosting and domain.
  • WordPress Installation: Set up the latest version of WordPress.
  • WooCommerce Installation: Install and configure WooCommerce for our store.

2. Square Integration:

  • Square Plugin Installation: Install and configure the WooCommerce Square plugin.
  • Payment Processing: Ensure that Square is set up for payment processing.
  • Inventory Sync: Enable inventory synchronization between WooCommerce and Square.
  • Testing: Conduct thorough testing to ensure transactions and inventory sync work seamlessly.

3. Subscribe and Save Option:

  • WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin: Install and configure the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin.
  • Subscription Products: Set up products with subscription options (monthly).
  • Discounts: Configure discounts for subscribers (e.g., a percentage off for subscribing).
  • Renewal Management: Ensure the subscription renewal process is smooth and automated.
  • Customer Management: Allow customers to manage their subscriptions from their account page.
  • Email Notifications: Set up email notifications for subscription-related events (e.g., renewals, cancellations).

4. Design and Customization:

  • Theme Selection: Select and customize a WooCommerce-compatible theme. Preferred themes include Astra, Storefront, or Flatsome.
  • Custom Design Elements: Implement any specific design elements to match our branding. Colors and styles should be clean, minimalistic, and business-like, using the color scheme #F7F7F7 and #7DA2A9.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure the website is fully responsive and mobile-friendly.

5. Additional Features:

  • SEO Optimization: Install and configure an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO.
  • Security: Implement security measures with a plugin like Wordfence.
  • Performance Optimization: Use caching plugins (e.g., WP Super Cache) to enhance site speed.

6. Testing and Launch:

  • Testing: Conduct comprehensive testing, including product purchasing, subscription setup, payment processing, and inventory sync.
  • Go Live: Switch from sandbox to live mode in the Square settings and ensure the site is fully operational.

Additional Information:

  • Content Creation: I will provide all the content (product descriptions, images, etc.).
  • Number of Products: The initial setup will include three products, with plans to add more in the future.
  • Design Preferences: The design should be simple, clean, and professional, evoking seriousness and trustworthiness.
  • Custom Functionality: No custom functionality is needed.

Questions for the Developer:

  1. Budget and Timeline: Can you provide an estimate for the budget and timeline for this project?
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Mike C United States