3D Printing Designer

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Hire 3D Print Designer

The process of 3D printing is a relatively new technology in manufacturing products. It involves utilizing Computer-Aided Design (CAD) information to print products in layers. It is a process whereby a 3D design is turned into a real object. The process involves slicing the 3D design into layers, and then the design is printed layer by layer on a 3D printer. 3D printing is great if you want to make unique and customized items or small series of objects for your project.

As per project requirements, you can hire 3D print designer, for creating 3D objects of various shapes and sizes from top freelance marketplace websites.

What Does a 3D Print Designer Do?

3D Printing designers are professionals who oversee the printing process and offer recommendations on products that can be produced via a 3D printer. They evaluate customers' designs to ensure compatibility with 3D printing and create daily schedules for the printers.

These designers also provide input on ways to streamline the printing process that includes performing printer finishing tasks like sandblasting or polishing and others. As a 3D print designer, they can assist with maintaining the overall production environment, such as cleaning or repairing 3D printers. 3D Printing designers may work on some of the best software tools like 3D Slash, TinkerCAD, FreeCAD, SketchUP, 123Design. This 3D software provides designers various abilities ranging from modeling to rendering to conceptualizing and presenting to clients.

They work with the product management team on product development and establishing design processes. Product Designers use their knowledge, skills and expertise to develop 3D models of their product designs and provide a cost estimate of the final product to their client.

You can hire a freelance 3D printing designer for your project from Guru.com, one of the best online websites. Before you hire expert freelancers and take 3D printing design service from these experts, do ensure that they: -

  • Have high mechanical aptitude

  • Strong attention to detail, effective communication skills, and strong organizational abilities

  • Understanding all the components of 3D print technology

Qualification of 3D Printing Designer

  • Associate's Degree or Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design or a related field

  • Hands-on experience in computer design, technical drawing, and animation

Benefits of Hiring a 3D Printing Designer

  • These professionals will help you get the design faster as compared to conventional printing using the technology in 3D printing.

  • They will help you modify the designs and do the corrections on the flaws, by seeing it on screen or virtually.

  • A freelance 3D printing designer will bring down your cost of production, as compared to traditional prototyping methodologies which are relatively expensive.

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