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Album Cover Artists for Hire

Album covers are the designs or illustrations of art that is placed on a music album. This art is also an essential part of music promotion and music distribution. The design which is used to present the music is another way of branding a company. It’s a reflection of a company as much as music.

Commissioned art, photographs or calligraphy, depending on the theme one can choose from these different types of album art. Sometimes there are songs from an album, photographs of the singer on the front cover of the album. The design is made attractive and eye-catching, as it has to capture the music in physical form.

A freelance album cover artist will help you grab attention of the audience; you can hire such artists from some of the best online project bidding websites.

What Does an Album Cover Artist Do?

The Album Cover Artists typically discuss their ideas and concepts with the band’s label or management. Once a basic direction is understood, they develop a series of rough ideas to present to the band. They amend the designs once the feedback is given. Artists are professionals who conceptualize and execute art for various platforms.

Album cover artists start by only using authorized images that are copyright protected. They make sure that the images they purchase are approved for commercial use. They work on art that matches the release or brand by using font, colours, and imagery that represents music and brand identity.

 As best album cover artists, they focus on the image size and format to ensure that the images are not blurry, pixelated, misaligned, or have other quality issues. They work on the release title and how the copy should match the release info and metadata exactly. Sometimes artists may use only an image without text.

You can find album cover artists for hire online on, one of the best freelance marketplace websites. Before you hire freelance album cover artist, make sure that the professionals: -

  • Should understand cover art design best practices

  • Should understand the music band and associate with the brand image

  • Should create effective art to the grab attention of audience

Qualification of Album Cover Artist

  • Degree in Fine Arts or Graphic Design or its related field

  • Previous experience in album art with a great portfolio of drawings

  • Understanding of music industry and cover designs

Benefits of Hiring Album Cover Artists

  • They will create cover art which will act as the visual gateway to your music. It will also help the audience to relate to your music.

  • They will create album art that will gain audience attention even before they listen to your music. Especially on digital music platforms, potential fans are also more likely to listen to your music when your album artwork stands out.

  • The art they will present on the album cover will play an important part in music promotion and distribution. The design will be a reflection of your brand’s style for the audiences.

Guru Tip:

Once a Freelancer has been hired, a WorkRoom is created for the job on Guru. Use WorkRooms to communicate with your Freelancers and team members, keep track of work, upload files and manage multiple jobs easily. 

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